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Impressions after an automated mobility experience: An acceptance study
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Pub Date : 2021-06-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2021.05.005
Nievsabel Molina , Francisco Navas , David González , Imane Mahtout , Vicente Milanés

This paper presents people’s impressions after a demonstration of a fully robotized electric vehicle in Rambouillet, a peri-urban area connected with rural sections in France. 155 participants experienced a 6.5 km ride that included driving in a narrow two-way road, negotiating roundabouts, traversing a tunnel and interacting with other users of the road such as vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. 298 impressions from 114 respondents were collected from a written questionnaire and open interviews. Users’ comments were classified in categories as follows: system capabilities, purpose and benefits, travel destination and encouraging remarks. Major results show that participants felt safe, where only 1.01% of comments denoted apprehension despite the increase of speed (up to 50 km/h) with respect to other studies. Users’ were satisfied with the automated vehicle (AV) performance, where only 3.5% criticized the system, denoting they expected a higher level of autonomy. 22% of users mentioned train stations as useful application (i.e. potential destination) for an automated on-demand mobility service. More than 200 comments were related to travel destinations, pointing towards various scenarios where an AV service could be useful for them. Conclusions show that realistic vehicle speed increases passenger acceptance of automated vehicles, increasing system confidence with respect to previous studies in the field.



本文介绍了人们在朗布依埃(Rambouillet)(一个与法国农村地区相连的城郊地区)展示全自动电动汽车后的印象。155 名参与者经历了 6.5 公里的骑行,包括在狭窄的双向道路上行驶、通过环形交叉路口、穿越隧道以及与道路上的其他用户(如车辆、行人和骑自行车的人)互动。从书面问卷和公开访谈中收集了 114 名受访者的 298 印象。用户的评论分为以下几类:系统能力、目的和好处、旅行目的地和鼓励性评论。主要结果表明,参与者感到安全,尽管与其他研究相比,速度提高了(最高 50 公里/小时),但只有 1.01% 的评论表示担心。用户对自动驾驶汽车 (AV) 的性能感到满意,只有 3.5% 的用户批评该系统,表示他们期望更高水平的自主性。22% 的用户提到火车站是自动按需移动服务的有用应用程序(即潜在目的地)。超过 200 条评论与旅游目的地相关,指出了 AV 服务可能对他们有用的各种场景。结论表明,现实的车速提高了乘客对自动驾驶汽车的接受度,提高了系统对该领域先前研究的信心。潜在目的地)的自动化按需移动服务。超过 200 条评论与旅游目的地相关,指出了 AV 服务可能对他们有用的各种场景。结论表明,现实的车速提高了乘客对自动驾驶汽车的接受度,提高了系统对该领域先前研究的信心。潜在目的地)的自动化按需移动服务。超过 200 条评论与旅游目的地相关,指出了 AV 服务可能对他们有用的各种场景。结论表明,现实的车速提高了乘客对自动驾驶汽车的接受度,提高了系统对该领域先前研究的信心。
