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Long term salinity disrupts the hepatic function, intestinal health, and gills antioxidative status in Nile tilapia stressed with hypoxia
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112412
Mahmoud A O Dawood 1 , Ahmed E Noreldin 2 , Hani Sewilam 3

In aquaculture, fish are stressed with several factors involved in impacting the growth rate and health status. Although Nile tilapia can resist brackish water conditions, hypoxia status may impair the health condition of fish. Nile tilapia were exposed to salinity water at 0, 10, and 20‰ for four weeks then the growth behavior was checked. The results showed meaningfully lowered growth rate, feed utilization, and survival rate when fish kept in 20‰ for four weeks. Then fish were subdivided into six groups (factorial design, 2 × 3) in normoxia (DO, 6 mg/L) and hypoxia (DO, 1 mg/L) conditions for 24 h. High salinity (10 and 20‰) combined with hypoxia stress-induced inflammatory features in the intestines, gills, and livers of fish. The activities of SOD, CAT, and GPX were increased in the intestines, gills, and livers of fish grown in 10 and 20‰ and exposed with hypoxia stress. Fish grown in 20‰ and stressed with hypoxia had the highest ALT, AST, and ALP levels (p < 0.05) among the groups. The highest transcription levels of Il-8, Il-1β, Ifn-γ, Tnf-α, and Caspase-3 genes and the lowest level of Il-10 gene were observed in fish exposed with 20‰ and hypoxia. The outputs of Integrated Biomarker Response (IBR) showed marked differences between fish groups with varied values. The lowest IBR was observed in fish reared in fresh water and normoxia, while the highest IBR was seen in the group of fish reared in 20‰ and hypoxia conditions (p < 0.05). These results confirm that Nile tilapia can tolerate 10‰ in normoxia but 20‰ salinity combined with hypoxia results in oxidative stress, apoptosis, and inflammatory features in the intestines, gills, and livers. The obtained results indicate that hypoxia can affect the performances of Nile tilapia reared in brackish or high-water salinity leading to severe economic loss. Further future studies are required to understand the impact of different water salinities with hypoxia in the short term and long-term periods on the productivity of Nile tilapia.



在水产养殖中,鱼类受到影响生长速度和健康状况的几个因素的压力。虽然尼罗罗非鱼可以抵抗微咸水条件,但缺氧状态可能会损害鱼的健康状况。将尼罗罗非鱼暴露于 0、10 和 20‰ 的盐度水​​中 4 周,然后检查生长行为。结果表明,当鱼以 20‰ 饲养 4 周时,其增长率、饲料利用率和成活率显着降低。然后将鱼细分为六组(因子设计,2×3),在常氧(DO,6 mg/L)和缺氧(DO,1 mg/L)条件下持续 24 小时。鱼的肠、鳃和肝脏中的高盐度(10 和 20‰)与缺氧应激引起的炎症特征相结合。SOD、CAT、GPX在肠、鳃、10‰和20‰生长并暴露于缺氧胁迫下的鱼的肝脏。生长在 20‰ 且处于缺氧应激状态的鱼的 ALT、AST 和 ALP 水平最高(p  < 0.05) 组之间。在暴露于 20‰ 和缺氧条件下的鱼中观察到Il-8Il-1βIfn-γTnf-αCaspase-3基因的最高转录水平和最低水平的Il-10基因。综合生物标志物反应 (IBR) 的输出显示不同值的鱼群之间存在显着差异。在淡水和常氧条件下养殖的鱼中观察到最低的 IBR,而在 20‰ 和缺氧条件下养殖的鱼组中观察到最高的 IBR(p < 0.05)。这些结果证实,尼罗罗非鱼可以耐受 10‰ 的常氧,但 20‰ 的盐度加上缺氧会导致肠道、鳃和肝脏中的氧化应激、细胞凋亡和炎症特征。结果表明,缺氧会影响在微咸水或高盐度水环境中养殖的尼罗罗非鱼的生产性能,从而导致严重的经济损失。需要进一步的未来研究来了解不同水盐度和缺氧在短期和长期内对尼罗罗非鱼生产力的影响。
