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Research on the Effect of Knowledge Network Embedding on the Dynamic Capabilities of Small and Micro Enterprises
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Pub Date : 2021-06-10 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/5522788
Shuli Zheng 1

In the complex and dynamic economic environment, the growing pain of small and micro enterprises is long-standing. It is urgent to strengthen the research on the endogenous growth mechanism of small and micro enterprises. Based on the background of the era of knowledge-driven economy, this paper explores the relationship between knowledge network embeddedness and dynamic capabilities of small and micro enterprises with environmental munificence as the regulating variable. We have the structural equation empirical research with the data from 260 questionnaires of small and micro enterprises. The results show that structural embeddedness and relational embeddedness have a positive driving effect on the dynamic capability of small and micro enterprises, and environmental munificence plays a positive regulatory role in the positive impact of knowledge network embedding on the dynamic capability. The research conclusion is helpful for the small and micro enterprise to develop dynamic capacity and for the supportive policy making as well.


