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Gender and the psychopathology of everyday life in the photographic projections of Wyn Geleynse
International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-29 , DOI: 10.1002/aps.1526
Robert J. Belton 1

The last 35 years have seen an international proliferation of artists specializing in temporary installations with projected photographic elements, among them Krzysztof Wodiczko, originally from Poland, B. K. H. Guttman in Germany, Karin Ogren in Sweden, and Bill Viola and Gary Hill in the United States. One of the earlier artists to implement projection as a significant metaphor – rather than as a mere novelty – is Wyn Geleynse, born in Rotterdam but a long-time resident of London, Ontario, where he has pursued a fairly quiet lifestyle belying his growing international reputation in Amsterdam, New York, Paris, Sao Paulo and numerous other major centers. Geleyense's work is deeply informed by psychoanalytical thought, especially as regards the construction of male identity.


Wyn Geleynse 摄影投影中的性别和日常生活的精神病理学

在过去的 35 年里,国际上出现了大量专门从事带有投影摄影元素的临时装置的艺术家,其中包括来自波兰的 Krzysztof Wodiczko、德国的 BKH Guttman、瑞典的 Karin Ogren 以及美国的 Bill Viola 和 Gary Hill。较早将投影作为重要隐喻(而不仅仅是新奇事物)的艺术家之一是 Wyn Geleynse,他出生在鹿特丹,但长期居住在安大略省的伦敦,在那里他追求一种相当安静的生活方式,这与他日益增长的国际化背道而驰。在阿姆斯特丹、纽约、巴黎、圣保罗和众多其他主要中心享有盛誉。Geleyense 的作品深受精神分析思想的影响,尤其是在男性身份的建构方面。