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Diversified Portfolio Model of Adaptability: A Natural History Perspective
The Counseling Psychologist ( IF 3.880 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-04 , DOI: 10.1177/0011000020904639
Frederick T. L. Leong 1

Using a natural history perspective, the diversified portfolio model (DPM) of adaptability developed by Chandra and Leong (2016) is described in this article as a representation of the latter author’s life work in researching diversity and adaptability. The primary thesis of the DPM is that a diversified portfolio of activities, roles, and experiences will lead to greater adaptability in life. The DPM was intended to address a gap in the literature by illuminating the antecedents of adaptive processes that have been studied in current models, including those for self-complexity, risk and resilience, and self-efficacy. This description is followed by an example of the application of the DPM in academic careers. The mechanisms underlying the DPM are then discussed in relation to mental models and mindfulness. Next, the negative effects of nondiversification are illustrated with examples of workaholism and loneliness. Finally, the DPM is linked to the author’s own diversified portfolio of roles and activities to illustrate its positive impact.



Chandra 和 Leong (2016) 开发的适应性多元化投资组合模型 (DPM) 从自然历史的角度在本文中被描述为后者作者在研究多样性和适应性方面的毕生工作的代表。DPM 的主要论点是,多样化的活动、角色和经验组合将导致更大的生活适应性。DPM 旨在通过阐明在当前模型中研究的适应性过程的前因,包括自我复杂性、风险和弹性以及自我效能的前因来解决文献中的空白。此描述之后是 DPM 在学术生涯中的应用示例。然后讨论与心智模型和正念相关的 DPM 背后的机制。下一个,工作狂和孤独的例子说明了不多样化的负面影响。最后,DPM 与作者自己多元化的角色和活动组合相关联,以说明其积极影响。