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International perspectives in the teaching and learning of geometry in secondary schools
Research in Mathematics Education Pub Date : 2018-11-19 , DOI: 10.1080/14794802.2018.1531055
Rachael Horsman 1

ICME – 13, Hamburg, 2016, brought together some three and a half thousand participants, including researchers and practitioners. Nearly 2000 papers and over 500 posters were accepted. The event included multiple invited lectures, workshops and discussion groups. Drawing from this plethora of maths expertise, more than 30 post-congress monographs are expected. Developed from submitted papers and oral communications, in light of conversations in Hamburg, each monograph presents state-of-the-art research in an area of mathematics education, offering international perspectives, and some more unfamiliar approaches. International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Geometry in Secondary Schools is one of the outcomes of Topic Study Group 13. The study group was concerned with the teaching and learning of secondary geometry. They considered this through geometrical thinking, geometrical usage, and the secondary geometry curriculum. Research interests concerning and approaches to the teaching and learning of secondary geometry are wide and diverse. This is quickly exemplified by Kuzniak’s (in chapter 2) comparison of pupil work from Chile and France. The variety of interests and approaches is reflected in the collection of papers presented in the monograph. Whether you have an interest in specific content (Berendonk and Sauerwein, in chapter 3; Steketee and Scher, in chapter 5; Herbst et al., in chapter 6; Manizade and Martinovic, in chapter 8; Cheah, in chapter 11; and Battista and Frazee, in chapter 14), geometric processes (Chinnappan et al., in chapter 9; Cirillo, in chapter 16; and Luz and Soldano, in chapter 18), spatial abilities and reasoning (Maresch, in chapter 13; Battista and Frazee, in chapter 14; and Arai, in chapter 17), teacher development (Kuzniak, in chapter 2; Herbst et al., in chapter 6; Webre et al., in chapter 7; Manizade and Martinovic, in chapter 8; Chinnappan et al., in chapter 9; Smith, in chapter 10; Cheah, in chapter 11; Villella et al., in chapter 12; and Richard et al., in chapter 20), or the use of technology (Steketee and Scher, in chapter 5; Battista and Frazee, in chapter 14; Luz and Soldano, in chapter 18; Villella et al., in chapter 12; and Richard et al., in chapter 20) the monograph offers an assortment of detailed research that caters to a wide audience. However, this variety also leads to a certain amount of dilution, due to the richness of the subject. In fact, there is enough starting material to produce multiple publications in these areas. As recognised by the editors in chapter 1, no papers look at the actual situation geometry holds in school curricula in various jurisdictions but the monograph does give a true representation of the assorted nature of the content, approaches, and beliefs of those involved in its study. What is clear from each offering is the recognition of the importance and power of geometry, the need for those concerned to comprehend concepts, and the influence of teachers on the outcomes of their wards. Additionally, the many facets and approaches to solving geometrical problems are appreciated, along with the development of more and more refined arguments.



ICME – 13,汉堡,2016 年,聚集了大约三万五千名参与者,包括研究人员和从业者。近2000篇论文和500多张海报被接受。此次活动包括多场特邀讲座、研讨会和讨论小组。凭借大量的数学专业知识,预计会出版 30 多部会后专着。根据提交的论文和口头交流,根据汉堡的对话,每部专着都展示了数学教育领域的最新研究,提供了国际视角和一些更陌生的方法。中学几何教学的国际视野是专题研究组13的成果之一。该研究组关注中学几何的教与学。他们通过几何思维、几何用法和中学几何课程来考虑这一点。中学几何教学的研究兴趣和方法是广泛而多样的。库兹尼亚克(在第 2 章中)对智利和法国学生作业的比较很快就证明了这一点。各种兴趣和方法反映在专着中的论文集上。您是否对特定内容感兴趣(Berendonk 和 Sauerwein,第 3 章;Steketee 和 Scher,第 5 章;Herbst 等人,第 6 章;Manizade 和 Martinovic,第 8 章;Cheah,第 11 章;和 Battista和 Frazee,在第 14 章)、几何过程(Chinnappan 等人,在第 9 章;Cirillo,在第 16 章;以及 Luz 和 Soldano,在第 18 章)、空间能力和推理(Maresch,在第 13 章;巴蒂斯塔和弗雷泽,第 14 章;和 Arai,第 17 章),教师发展(Kuzniak,第 2 章;Herbst 等人,第 6 章;Webre 等人,第 7 章;Manizade 和 Martinovic,第 8 章;Chinnappan 等人,第9;Smith,第 10 章;Cheah,第 11 章;Villella 等人,第 12 章;Richard 等人,第 20 章),或技术的使用(Steketee 和 Scher,第 5 章;Battista 和Frazee,在第 14 章;Luz 和 Soldano,在第 18 章;Villella 等人,在第 12 章;Richard 等人,在第 20 章)这本专着提供了各种各样的详细研究,以满足广大读者的需求。然而,由于主题的丰富性,这种多样性也会导致一定程度的稀释。事实上,有足够的起始材料来制作这些领域的多种出版物。正如编辑在第 1 章中所承认的,没有论文研究几何学在不同司法管辖区的学校课程中的实际情况,但该专着确实真实地反映了参与其研究的人员的内容、方法和信念的各种性质. 每个课程都清楚地认识到几何的重要性和力量、相关人员理解概念的必要性以及教师对其病房结果的影响。此外,解决几何问题的许多方面和方法,以及越来越精细的论证的发展,都受到赞赏。没有论文研究几何在各个司法管辖区的学校课程中的实际情况,但该专着确实真实地反映了参与其研究的人员的内容、方法和信念的各种性质。每个课程都清楚地认识到几何的重要性和力量、相关人员理解概念的必要性以及教师对其病房结果的影响。此外,解决几何问题的许多方面和方法,以及越来越精细的论证的发展,都受到赞赏。没有论文研究几何在各个司法管辖区的学校课程中的实际情况,但该专着确实真实地反映了参与其研究的人员的内容、方法和信念的各种性质。每个课程都清楚地认识到几何的重要性和力量、相关人员理解概念的必要性以及教师对其病房结果的影响。此外,解决几何问题的许多方面和方法,以及越来越精细的论证的发展,都受到赞赏。以及教师对其病房结果的影响。此外,解决几何问题的许多方面和方法,以及越来越精细的论证的发展,都受到赞赏。以及教师对其病房结果的影响。此外,解决几何问题的许多方面和方法,以及越来越精细的论证的发展,都受到赞赏。