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Who gets to imagine transformative change? Participation and representation in biodiversity assessments
Environmental Conservation ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-28 , DOI: 10.1017/s0376892920000272
Silke Beck , Tim Forsyth

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has been mandated to assess transformative change in order to identify pathways for achieving the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity. Yet, the topic of transformative change raises significant new challenges for biodiversity assessments because it combines scientifically plausible projections about the drivers and trends of biodiversity loss with normative and collective visions of a sustainable world for nature and people. In this commentary, we argue that assessments of visions of a sustainable world should also ask ‘whose values and visions count?’ because different values and visions influence which voices and perspectives are considered relevant for generating scientific knowledge for transformative change. In particular, we argue that this situation requires rethinking modes of participation and co-production in assessments of transformative change: from consulting different groups as potential ‘users’ of assessments to seeing how visions of a sustainable world are represented through the selection of evidence and actors. In other words, assessments need to be less concerned about the inclusion and exclusion of actors, and more concerned about how these actors bring the perspectives of others with them.



生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台 (IPBES) 的任务是评估变革性变化,以确定实现 2050 年生物多样性愿景的途径。然而,变革性变化的主题对生物多样性评估提出了重大的新挑战,因为它将关于生物多样性丧失的驱动因素和趋势的科学合理的预测与自然和人类可持续世界的规范和集体愿景相结合。在这篇评论中,我们认为对可持续世界愿景的评估还应该问“谁的价值观和愿景重要?” 因为不同的价值观和愿景会影响哪些声音和观点被认为与产生变革性变革的科学知识相关。特别是,我们认为,这种情况需要重新思考转型变革评估中的参与和共同生产模式:从咨询作为评估潜在“用户”的不同群体到通过选择证据和参与者来了解可持续世界的愿景如何呈现。换句话说,评估需要较少关注参与者的包容和排斥,而更多地关注这些参与者如何将他人的观点带入其中。