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muluz3, mul dGula, and the Early History of Mesopotamian Constellations
Journal for the History of Astronomy ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0021828619853676
Gennady E. Kurtik 1

This article is devoted to cuneiform sources shedding light on history of Mesopotamian constellations muluz3 (“The Goat”) located in the area of modern Lyra, mul dGula, a goddess connected with muluz3, and mulur.gi7 (“The Dog”) located in Hercules. In the eyes of ancient Mesopotamians, these constellations were bound by complex relationships that were changing in course of time. Gula was the goddess of the Goat constellation, and the Dog was a sacred animal of Gula. In the Neo-Assyrian period, Gula’s anthropomorphic image was considered to be a figure of the constellation muluz3, while figures of other constellations with animal names always corresponded to their names. It is shown in the article that originally (at the end of the third and the beginning of the second millennium b.c.) there were only two constellations (muluz3 and mulur.gi7) out of three mentioned above singled out in the Mesopotamian sky. The goddess Gula became associated with the constellation muluz3 only in the second half of the second millennium b.c.


muluz3、mul dGula 和美索不达米亚星座的早期历史

本文专门介绍楔形文字资料,阐明位于现代天琴座地区的美索不达米亚星座 muluz3(“山羊”)、与 muluz3 相关的女神 mul dGula 和位于大力士。在古代美索不达米亚人的眼中,这些星座被复杂的关系所束缚,这些关系随着时间的推移而变化。古拉是山羊星座的女神,狗是古拉的神兽。在新亚述时期,古拉的拟人形象被认为是星座muluz3的形象,而其他带有动物名称的星座形象总是与他们的名字相对应。文章中显示,最初(公元前三千年末和二千年初)只有两个星座(muluz3和mulur. gi7) 上面提到的三个在美索不达米亚的天空中被挑出来。古拉女神仅在公元前 2000 年下半叶才与星座 muluz3 联系在一起