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Astronomical Instruments in the Ottoman Empire
Journal for the History of Astronomy ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0021828620943749
Petra G. Schmidl

including catalogues of collections. Indeed, during the COVID-19 pandemic “lockdown,” a good number of museums, libraries, and even publishers greatly augmented digital access to their material. And, because of the closures of libraries, many people have not had the same level of access to printed volumes that they have had to digital resources. However, this splendid volume embodies the argument that a good deal of valuable knowledge and information is not always available through databases, even with excellent search capabilities. Had Turner, Ackermann, and Arslan not gone through the catalogues of the three collections of the BnF that hold these instruments and brought them all together in one volume, access to these artefacts would be greatly hindered. In some cases – for example, the Roman abacus (cat. 70) – one would probably need to have already known that it is held in MMA to find it in the digital catalogue, as it is not in the BnF’s online Catalogue général which, while containing information on cartographic documents, atlases, maps, and globes, does not hold data on the BnF collections of medals and antiques; the latter is available separately online. Turner, Ackermann, and Arslan have assembled this volume with a view to its utility for scholarship and through this beautiful printed book we have enhanced access to instruments that might be challenging to locate through the BnF’s excellent databases. Fortunately, we now have this important printed catalogue, as well as those online.



包括藏品目录。事实上,在 COVID-19 大流行“封锁”期间,许多博物馆、图书馆甚至出版商都极大地增加了对其资料的数字访问。而且,由于图书馆的关闭,许多人无法像访问数字资源那样访问印刷书籍。然而,这本精彩的著作体现了这样一个论点,即即使具有出色的搜索能力,也并非总能通过数据库获得大量有价值的知识和信息。如果 Turner、Ackermann 和 Arslan 没有浏览 BnF 收藏这些乐器的三个藏品目录并将它们汇集在一本书中,那么获取这些文物将受到极大的阻碍。在某些情况下——例如,罗马算盘(猫。70) – 人们可能需要知道它保存在 MMA 中才能在数字目录中找到它,因为它不在 BnF 的在线目录中,虽然它包含有关制图文件、地图集、地图和地球仪的信息, 不持有 BnF 奖牌和古董收藏的数据;后者可单独在线获得。Turner、Ackermann 和 Arslan 汇编了这本书,以了解其在学术上的实用性,通过这本精美的印刷书,我们增强了对通过 BnF 优秀数据库进行定位可能具有挑战性的仪器的访问。幸运的是,我们现在有这个重要的印刷目录,以及那些在线目录。虽然包含制图文件、地图集、地图和地球仪的信息,但不包含 BnF 奖章和古董收藏的数据;后者可单独在线获得。Turner、Ackermann 和 Arslan 汇编了这本书,以了解其在学术上的实用性,通过这本精美的印刷书,我们增强了对通过 BnF 优秀数据库进行定位可能具有挑战性的仪器的访问。幸运的是,我们现在有这个重要的印刷目录,以及那些在线目录。虽然包含制图文件、地图集、地图和地球仪的信息,但不包含 BnF 奖章和古董收藏的数据;后者可单独在线获得。Turner、Ackermann 和 Arslan 汇集了这本书,以期其在学术上的实用性,通过这本精美的印刷书,我们增强了对可能难以通过 BnF 优秀数据库定位的仪器的访问。幸运的是,我们现在有这个重要的印刷目录,以及那些在线目录。和 Arslan 汇编了这本书,以期其在学术上的实用性,通过这本精美的印刷书,我们增加了对可能难以通过 BnF 优秀数据库定位的仪器的访问。幸运的是,我们现在有这个重要的印刷目录,以及那些在线目录。和 Arslan 汇编了这本书,以期其在学术上的实用性,通过这本精美的印刷书,我们增加了对可能难以通过 BnF 优秀数据库定位的仪器的访问。幸运的是,我们现在有这个重要的印刷目录,以及那些在线目录。