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Multi-Decadal Trends and Variability in Temperature and Salinity in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, Georges Bank, and Gulf of Maine
Journal of Marine Research ( IF 1.107 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-01 , DOI: 10.1357/002224018826473281
Elizabeth J. Wallace , Lev B. Looney , Donglai Gong

Increasing attention is being placed on the regional impact of climate change. This study focuses on the decadal scale variabilities of temperature and salinity in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB), Georges Bank (GB), and Gulf of Maine (GOM) from 1977 to 2016 using hydrographic survey data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Northeast Fisheries Science Center. The MAB (as defined by the shelf regions from Cape Hatteras to Cape Cod) experienced warming rates of 0.57 ◦C per decade during the Winter/Spring season (Jan–Apr) and 0.47 ◦C per decade during the Fall/Winter season (Sep–Dec). The GOM and GB, on the other hand, warmed at approximately half the rate of the MAB over the same time span (1977–2016). We found that rates of warming vary on decadal time scales. From 1977 to 1999, significant temperature increases (>0.6 ◦C/decade) were found in the southern regions of the MAB during the Winter/Spring season. During the same period, significant freshening (stronger than −0.2/decade) was found in GB and the northern regions of the MAB during the Winter/Spring and Summer seasons. From 1999 to 2016, on the other hand, we found no significant trends in temperature and few significant trends in salinity with the exceptions of some northern MAB regions showing significant salting. Interannual variability in shelf salinity can in part be attributed to river discharge variability in the Hudson River and Chesapeake Bay. However, decadal scale change in shelf salinity cannot be attributed to changes in river discharge as there were no significant decadal scale changes in river outflow. Variability in along-shelf freshwater transport and saline intrusions from offshore were the likely drivers of long-term changes in MAB shelf-salinity.



人们越来越关注气候变化的区域影响。本研究使用美国国家海洋和大气管理局的水文调查数据,重点研究 1977 年至 2016 年中大西洋湾 (MAB)、乔治银行 (GB) 和缅因湾 (GOM) 的温度和盐度的年代际尺度变化(NOAA) 东北渔业科学中心。MAB(由从哈特拉斯角到科德角的陆架区域定义)在冬季/春季(1 月至 4 月)期间经历了每十年 0.57°C 的升温速率,在秋季/冬季(9 月)期间经历了每十年 0.47°C 的升温速率。 –十二月)。另一方面,GOM 和 GB 在同一时间跨度(1977-2016 年)内升温速度约为 MAB 的一半。我们发现变暖的速度在十年时间尺度上有所不同。从 1977 年到 1999 年,温度显着升高(>0. 6 ◦C/decade) 在冬季/春季期间在 MAB 的南部地区被发现。在同一时期,在冬季/春季和夏季期间,在 GB 和 MAB 的北部地区发现了显着的清新(强于 -0.2/十年)。另一方面,从 1999 年到 2016 年,除了一些北部 MAB 地区显示出明显的盐渍化外,我们没有发现温度的显着趋势和盐度的显着趋势。陆架盐度的年际变化部分归因于哈德逊河和切萨皮克湾的河流流量变化。然而,陆架盐度的十年尺度变化不能归因于河流流量的变化,因为河流流出量没有显着的十年尺度变化。