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Common Eider (Somateria mollissima) body condition and parasitic load during a mortality event in the Baltic Proper
Avian Biology Research ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-01 , DOI: 10.3184/175815618x15263798903780
Svend-Erik Garbus 1, 2 , Peter Lyngs 3 , Jens Peter Christensen 2 , Kurt Buchmann 2 , Igor Eulaers 1 , Anders Mosbech 1 , Rune Dietz 1 , H. Grant Gilchrist 4 , Christian Sonne 1

During late spring of 2007 and 2015, we observed unusually high mortality of Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima) on Christiansø in the Baltic Proper. The number of dead birds (2007: 125; 2015: 110) composed 5–10% of the total colony. In 2015, we collected 15 (12 adult females, three subadult males) of the 110 recently deceased Common Eiders for detailed autopsy. The average body mass of the females was 1,040 g (920–1,160 g) which is ca 60% lower than what can be expected of healthy females during wintertime. Similarly, for the subadult males the average body mass of 1,203 g (1,070–1,300 g) comprised only 45% of what can be expected for healthy subadult males during winter. All 15 birds were thus severely emaciated and cachexic with general atrophy of muscles and internal organs. Hunger oedema, distended gall bladder, empty stomach, empty and dilated intestines and dilated cardiomyopathy were observed as well. In addition, all 15 Common Eiders were infected with high loads of the acanthocephalan parasite Polymorphus minutus. No gross morphological changes suggested toxicological, bacteriological or viral causes to the mortality. Taken together, our autopsy suggested starvation leading to secondary metabolic catabolism and eventually congestive heart failure. Five birds that were examined in 2007 showed the same symptoms. We suspect that the introduction of suboptimal feeding conditions in combination with a high parasite load over the last decade synergistically caused high physiological stress leading to population level effects manifested as high mortality.


波罗的海地区发生死亡事件期间的普通绒毛 (Somateria mollissima) 身体状况和寄生虫负荷

在 2007 年和 2015 年春末,我们观察到波罗的海地区 Christiansø 的普通绒鸭 (Somateria mollissima) 的死亡率异常高。死鸟的数量(2007 年:125 只;2015 年:110 只)占总种群的 5-10%。2015 年,我们收集了最近死亡的 110 只普通绒鸭中的 15 只(12 只成年雌性,3 只亚成年雄性)进行详细尸检。雌性的平均体重为 1,040 克(920-1,160 克),比健康雌性冬季的预期体重低约 60%。同样,对于亚成年男性,1,203 克(1,070-1,300 克)的平均体重仅占冬季健康亚成年男性体重的 45%。因此,所有 15 只鸡都严重消瘦和恶病质,肌肉和内脏普遍萎缩。饥饿性水肿,胆囊扩张,空腹,还观察到空肠和扩张肠以及扩张型心肌病。此外,所有 15 只普通绒鸭都感染了大量的棘头虫寄生虫 Polymorphus minutus。没有明显的形态学变化表明导致死亡的毒理学、细菌学或病毒学原因。总之,我们的尸检表明饥饿会导致继发性代谢分解代谢并最终导致充血性心力衰竭。2007 年接受检查的五只鸟表现出相同的症状。我们怀疑在过去十年中引入次优饲养条件与高寄生虫负荷相结合,协同引起了高生理压力,导致种群水平影响表现为高死亡率。所有 15 只普通绒鸭都感染了大量的棘头动物 Polymorphus minutus。没有明显的形态学变化表明导致死亡的毒理学、细菌学或病毒学原因。总之,我们的尸检表明饥饿会导致继发性代谢分解代谢并最终导致充血性心力衰竭。2007 年接受检查的五只鸟表现出相同的症状。我们怀疑在过去十年中引入次优饲养条件与高寄生虫负荷相结合,协同引起了高生理压力,导致种群水平影响表现为高死亡率。所有 15 只普通绒鸭都感染了大量的棘头动物 Polymorphus minutus。没有明显的形态学变化表明导致死亡的毒理学、细菌学或病毒学原因。总之,我们的尸检表明饥饿会导致继发性代谢分解代谢并最终导致充血性心力衰竭。2007 年接受检查的五只鸟表现出相同的症状。我们怀疑在过去十年中引入次优饲养条件与高寄生虫负荷相结合,协同引起了高生理压力,导致种群水平影响表现为高死亡率。我们的尸检表明饥饿会导致继发性代谢分解代谢并最终导致充血性心力衰竭。2007 年接受检查的五只鸟表现出相同的症状。我们怀疑在过去十年中引入次优饲养条件与高寄生虫负荷相结合,协同引起了高生理压力,导致种群水平影响表现为高死亡率。我们的尸检表明饥饿会导致继发性代谢分解代谢并最终导致充血性心力衰竭。2007 年接受检查的五只鸟表现出相同的症状。我们怀疑在过去十年中引入次优饲养条件与高寄生虫负荷相结合,协同引起了高生理压力,导致种群水平影响表现为高死亡率。