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Planning for Aging in Place: Incorporating the Voice of Elders to Promote Quality of Life
Journal of Housing For the Elderly Pub Date : 2019-04-11 , DOI: 10.1080/02763893.2019.1593280
Diane Martin 1 , Owen Long 1 , Linda Kessler 1

Abstract Aging in place offers emotional and physical benefits; however, challenges associated with advanced age may make aging in place difficult. As communities across the country prepare for forecasted increases in the proportion of older residents, it is important to understand barriers that may prevent aging in place. Perceived barriers voiced by residents of a suburban county who completed an Aging in Place Needs Assessment Survey were categorized into four themes: need to downsize/home modification; need for assistance; family desire to reciprocate care; and isolation. A fifth group with no intent to relocate, but with concerns about having to, was also identified. Included among this group were persons with mental health or developmental disorders, such as anxiety and autism spectrum disorder. Results were examined through a person-centered lens to illustrate that aging in place may be the desired option even among residents who indicate that it is not. It is important that aging-in-place initiatives preserve identity by fostering a sense of autonomy, control, and well-being in older residents.



摘要 就地老龄化带来了情感和身体上的好处;然而,与高龄相关的挑战可能会使就地老龄化变得困难。随着全国各地的社区为老年居民比例的预期增长做准备,了解可能阻止老龄化的障碍很重要。完成就地老龄化需求评估调查的郊区县居民所表达的感知障碍分为四个主题:需要缩小规模/房屋改造;需要帮助;家人希望得到回报;和隔离。还确定了第五组无意搬迁,但担心不得不搬迁。该组包括患有精神健康或发育障碍的人,例如焦虑症和自闭症谱系障碍。结果是通过以人为中心的镜头进行检查的,以说明就地老龄化可能是理想的选择,即使在表示不是的居民中也是如此。就地养老计划通过培养老年居民的自主感、控制感和幸福感来保持身份认同是很重要的。