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The Impact of the Physical Home Environment for Family Carers of People with Dementia: A Qualitative Study
Journal of Housing For the Elderly Pub Date : 2017-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02763893.2017.1335666
Dia Soilemezi 1 , Phevos Kallitsis 2 , Amy Drahota 3 , John Crossland 4 , Rebecca Stores 4 , Alan Costall 1

Abstract Background: The majority of people with dementia are cared for by their families at home. This study aimed to elicit family carers' perceptions on home environmental aspects and strategies with the view to identify barriers and facilitators when caring for a person with dementia at home. Design and methods: Thirteen co-resident family carers were engaged in semi-structured in-depth walking interviews. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Home environments can pose a number of challenges and opportunities. Aspects of the architectural and interior environment (e.g. size, condition, layout and accessibility, familiarity) are perceived as important (Theme 1) as well as a plethora of environmental strategies that encourage independence and comfort at home (Theme 2). Carers' scepticism, timing, costs, property characteristics and mistrust to services are some barriers to implementing environmental strategies (Theme 3). Conclusions: Carers improvised solutions via trial and error and need further education on strategies to create an enabling and comfortable home environment.



摘要背景:大多数痴呆症患者在家中由家人照顾。本研究旨在引起家庭照顾者对家庭环境方面和策略的看法,以期确定在家照顾痴呆症患者时的障碍和促进因素。设计和方法:13 名共同居住的家庭照顾者进行了半结构化的深度步行访谈。访谈被记录、转录和使用主题分析进行分析。结果:家庭环境可能带来许多挑战和机遇。建筑和室内环境的各个方面(例如大小、条件、布局和可达性、熟悉度)被认为是重要的(主题 1)以及大量鼓励在家中独立和舒适的环境策略(主题 2)。照顾者的怀疑,时间、成本、财产特征和对服务的不信任是实施环境战略的一些障碍(主题 3)。结论:照顾者通过反复试验即兴解决方案,需要进一步教育策略以创造有利和舒适的家庭环境。