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“One Hour He Is a Christian and the Next He Is a Muslim!” A Family Dispute from the Cairo Geniza
Al-Masāq ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-13 , DOI: 10.1080/09503110.2018.1542572
Oded Zinger

ABSTRACT This study publishes a newly identified letter to Moses Maimonides reconstructed from three Geniza fragments. The letter describes an inheritance dispute over real estate in the Egyptian delta town of al-Maḥalla. Having a letter written by a litigant provides information on what took place outside of court, information that is often missing from legal records. This allows us to explore the dynamics of a dispute in which one side makes a legal move, and the other counters with a move outside of court, and vice versa. These manoeuvrings included action in Jewish and Muslim courts, appeal to a jurisconsult, social pressure and performative disregard to the boundaries of the religious communities. As a result, we can conceive of the legal arena not only as encompassing different legal institutions but also as a social space constituted by the ways litigants experienced and interacted with legal institutions.


“一小时他是基督徒,下一小时他是穆斯林!” 来自开罗 Geniza 的家庭纠纷

摘要 本研究发表了一封新鉴定的写给摩西·迈蒙尼德的信,信件由三个 Geniza 碎片重建而成。这封信描述了埃及三角洲城镇 al-Maḥalla 的房地产继承纠纷。由诉讼当事人撰写的信函提供了有关在法庭外发生的事情的信息,而这些信息通常是法律记录中缺失的信息。这使我们能够探索争端的动态,其中一方采取合法行动,另一方在法庭外采取行动反击,反之亦然。这些手段包括在犹太和穆斯林法庭上采取行动、向法学家提出上诉、施加社会压力以及无视宗教社区的界限。因此,