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International Journal of Health Promotion and Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.1080/14635240.2020.1687169
Ruth Cross 1

Welcome to the first issue of the International Journal of Health Promotion and Education for 2020. We’d like to wish all our readers a peaceful and happy New Year and we hope you enjoy this interesting selection of papers drawn from around the world. At a time when many people might be making new year’s resolutions about health behaviour change the first paper from Slovakia by Baška et al. investigates differences in dietary and alcohol drinking behaviours between firstand fourth-year medical students by means of a questionnaire. The findings revealed dietary deficits in both groups for example, inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption. Irregular eating was also a common issue. Notably there was a possible increase in alcohol consumption in the female medical students in that the fourth years reported drinking more than the first years. The authors argue that findings such as these have significance given the influence that medical students have as role models in their professional and social contexts, and as future physicians. They conclude that more attention should be paid to promoting healthier lifestyles for undergraduate medical students and that appropriate conditions for better nutrition should be promoted. This emphasises two aspects that the Ottawa Charter highlighted as key for promoting health – developing personal skills and creating supportive environments. The second paper by Geetha Priya et al. reports on a study from India that compared the effectiveness of three different modes of school dental health education on the oral health status of children. The modes were drama, games and flashcards. All three modes were effective in improving the oral health status of the children in the study however, the games mode had the highest impact. The authors conclude that health educators should focus on child-friendly modes of delivery in order to make health information more appealing and to enable children to retain it. From Saudi Arabia Tripathi et al.’s paper presents findings from a community-based survey on malaria prevention assessing knowledge, attitudes and practice. In keeping with findings from the wider literature on this topic the majority of the respondents were aware of the potential severity of malaria and how it is transmitted as well as being familiar with malaria symptoms and how to reduce risk of exposure to mosquito bites. However, there were some significant differences in the levels of knowledge about malaria and its prevention according to age and education levels. The authors concluded that although there was appreciable knowledge about malaria symptoms, transmission and preventative methods there is still a need to improve awareness of effective prevention practices in some groups of this Saudi Arabian population and that this could be achieved through the development of innovative local health promotion strategies. Self-efficacy has been consistency linked to the performance of health behaviours. In general, when self-efficacy is higher a person is more likely to engage in health enhancing behaviours. The final paper in this issue by Niland and Nearchou, from the Republic of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH PROMOTION AND EDUCATION 2020, VOL. 58, NO. 1, 1–2 https://doi.org/10.1080/14635240.2020.1687169



欢迎阅读 2020 年第一期《国际健康促进与教育杂志》。我们祝所有读者新年快乐,并希望您喜欢这些来自世界各地的有趣论文选集。在许多人可能正在制定有关健康行为的新年决议的时候,Baška 等人在斯洛伐克发表了第一篇论文。通过问卷调查研究一年级和四年级医学生在饮食和饮酒行为方面的差异。研究结果揭示了两组的饮食不足,例如水果和蔬菜摄入量不足。饮食不规律也是一个常见问题。值得注意的是,女性医学生的饮酒量可能有所增加,因为第四年报告的饮酒量比第一年多。作者认为,鉴于医学生在其专业和社会环境中作为榜样以及作为未来医生的影响,诸如此类的发现具有重要意义。他们得出的结论是,应更多地关注促进本科医学生更健康的生活方式,并应促进改善营养的适当条件。这强调了渥太华宪章强调的促进健康的关键的两个方面——发展个人技能和创造支持性环境。Geetha Priya 等人的第二篇论文。报告了来自印度的一项研究,该研究比较了三种不同的学校牙科健康教育模式对儿童口腔健康状况的有效性。模式是戏剧、游戏和抽认卡。三种模式均能有效改善研究中儿童的口腔健康状况,但游戏模式的影响最大。作者得出的结论是,健康教育者应该关注对儿童友好的交付方式,以使健康信息更具吸引力并使儿童能够记住它。来自沙特阿拉伯的 Tripathi 等人的论文介绍了一项基于社区的疟疾预防调查结果,该调查评估了知识、态度和实践。与有关该主题的更广泛文献的调查结果一致,大多数受访者都了解疟疾的潜在严重性及其传播方式,并熟悉疟疾症状以及如何降低接触蚊虫叮咬的风险。然而,不同年龄和教育水平的疟疾及其预防知识水平存在显着差异。作者得出的结论是,尽管对疟疾症状、传播和预防方法有了可观的了解,但仍需要提高沙特阿拉伯人口中某些群体对有效预防措施的认识,这可以通过发展创新的当地卫生保健来实现。促销策略。自我效能一直与健康行为的表现相关联。一般来说,当自我效能感较高时,一个人更有可能从事促进健康的行为。Niland 和 Nearchou 在本期的最后一篇论文,来自共和国国际健康促进与教育杂志 2020,第 2 卷。58,没有。1, 1–2 https://doi。