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The Political Economy of Nationality-Based Labor Inclusion Strategies: A Case Study of the Jordan Compact
Middle East Critique ( IF 1.630 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1080/19436149.2021.1911459
Shaddin Almasri 1


In a setting of protracted refugee crises, donor responses increasingly have taken on experimental development approaches. One such aid experiment is that of the Jordan Compact, drafted in February 2016. This aimed to turn the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan into a development opportunity, by fostering job creation and harvesting skills of displaced populations. This brought with it attention from donors in the form of political interest and, more importantly, funding, to stimulate the local economy and labor markets. However, the implementation of this plan was problematic: It focused only on stimulating jobs for Syrians and Jordanians, with little attention given to existing labor market dynamics and other employed nationality groups. Using a qualitative approach informed by both desk research and key informant interviews, this article shows that the policies undertaken have formed a nationality-based prioritization strategy that sought to improve Syrian labor market access over that of other non-Jordanians. The Compact did little to address genuine job creation or social protection, focusing on boosting permit numbers while worsening non-Syrian migrant and refugee access to protection in formal work.




在旷日持久的难民危机背景下,捐助者的反应越来越多地采用试验性发展方法。其中一项援助试验是 2016 年 2 月起草的《约旦契约》。其目的是通过促进流离失所者创造就业机会和收获技能,将约旦的叙利亚难民危机转变为发展机遇。这以政治利益和更重要的资金形式引起了捐助者的关注,以刺激当地经济和劳动力市场。然而,该计划的实施存在问题:它只关注刺激叙利亚人和约旦人的就业机会,很少关注现有的劳动力市场动态和其他就业民族群体。使用基于案头研究和关键知情人访谈的定性方法,本文表明,所采取的政策形成了基于国籍的优先战略,旨在改善叙利亚劳动力市场准入,而不是其他非约旦人。该契约几乎没有解决真正的就业创造或社会保护问题,重点是增加许可证数量,同时恶化非叙利亚移民和难民在正式工作中获得保护的机会。
