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Expressions of loneliness: Different perspectives of loneliness among school deputy principals
Educational Management Administration & Leadership ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1177/17411432211021425
Peleg Dor-Haim

The study of loneliness in the workplace has received extensive attention recently. However, there is a lack of research concerning loneliness within educational organizations and no study to date has examined loneliness among deputy principals. The current study examined deputy principals’ interpretation of loneliness in the workplace and posed two questions: (a) How do deputy principals interpret their experience of loneliness at work, specifically in regard to how it manifests across different contexts? (b) What do deputy principals note as the reasons for their feelings of loneliness at work across different contexts? Based on 19 semi-structured interviews with Israeli school deputy principals, four distinctive themes of loneliness expressions were found: (a) loneliness perceived as separateness, (b) loneliness perceived as abandonment, (c) aloneness in carrying the burden of responsibility, and (d) aloneness in commitment to the school. From an analysis of the deputy principals’ accounts, several insights are provided and practical implications are suggested.



职场孤独感的研究近来受到广泛关注。然而,缺乏对教育组织内部孤独感的研究,迄今为止还没有研究调查过副校长的孤独感。目前的研究考察了副校长对工作场所孤独感的解释,并提出了两个问题:(a) 副校长如何解释他们在工作中的孤独感,特别是它如何在不同背景下表现出来?(b) 副校长指出他们在不同情况下在工作中感到孤独的原因是什么?基于对以色列学校副校长的 19 次半结构化访谈,发现了四个独特的孤独表达主题:(a) 孤独被视为分离,(b) 孤独被视为被遗弃,(c) 独自承担责任,以及 (d) 独自承担对学校的责任。通过对副校长的账目分析,提供了一些见解并提出了实际意义。
