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Seasonal abundance and feeding patterns of the invasive racer goby (Babka gymnotrachelus) in the littoral zone of a lowland European river
Environmental Biology of Fishes ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10641-021-01104-9
Alexander Didenko , Igor Buzevych , Yuriy Volikov , Svitlana Kruzhylina , Alexander Gurbyk , Vitaliy Bekh

The racer goby (Babka gymnotrachelus), a Ponto-Caspian gobiid, has successfully established in several European rivers since the 1990s, and its range is expanding; however, information on its biology in invaded environments is still limited. Understanding the population dynamics and feeding ecology of this species may assist in predicting its potential impact on native ecosystems. The seasonal abundance and feeding of racer goby were studied in the littoral zone of a lowland river flowing into the Kaniv Reservoir (Dnieper River). The abundance of this goby in the sampling reach displayed significant inter-annual and seasonal fluctuations, which depended on water temperature. Mean lengths of racer goby also varied during the year, and the largest fish were observed mainly in January to April and in September to November. Age-0 fish started appearing in catches at the end of May. Almost all juveniles reached adult size in October of the same year. Overall, 72 prey organisms were identified in the gut contents of racer goby. The most abundant prey were chironomids followed by cladocerans, copepods, and water mites. Chironomids included 25 taxa, the most abundant of which were Polypedilum convictum, Glyptotendipes sp., and Chironomus sp. Among 18 identified cladoceran taxa, the most abundant were Disparalona rostrata, Pleuroxus aduncus, and Alona affinis. Based on the diet composition, which included both bottom-dwelling and macrophyte-associated organisms, it can be concluded that racer goby feeds in a large variety of microhabitats including open non-vegetated areas, on substrates near macrophyte beds, and possibly on macrophytes.



赛车虾虎鱼 ( Babkagymnotrachelus),一种Ponto-Caspian gobiid,自1990年代以来已在欧洲多条河流中成功建立,其范围正在扩大;然而,关于其在入侵环境中的生物学信息仍然有限。了解该物种的种群动态和摄食生态可能有助于预测其对本地生态系统的潜在影响。在流入卡尼夫水库(第聂伯河)的低地河流沿岸地区研究了虾虎鱼的季节性丰度和摄食情况。采样区域中这种虾虎鱼的丰度显示出显着的年际和季节性波动,这取决于水温。赛马虾虎鱼的平均长度在一年中也有变化,最大的鱼主要出现在 1 月至 4 月和 9 月至 11 月。5 月底,0 岁鱼开始出现在渔获物中。几乎所有的幼鱼都在同年 10 月达到成年体型。总体而言,在虾虎鱼的肠道内容物中发现了 72 种猎物生物。数量最多的猎物是摇蚊,其次是枝角类、桡足类和水螨。摇蚊包括 25 个分类群,其中最丰富的是Polypedilum convictumGlyptotendipes sp. 和Chironomus sp.。在已鉴定的 18 个枝角类群中,数量最多的是Disparalona rostrataPleuroxus aduncusAlona affinis。根据包括底栖生物和大型植物相关生物的饮食组成,可以得出结论,赛鸽虾虎鱼以多种微生境为食,包括开放的非植被区域、大型植物床附近的基质,可能还有大型植物。
