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Differentiated agrarian vulnerabilities and generalized national responses to COVID-19 in the Upper West Region of Ghana
Journal of Agrarian Change ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1111/joac.12434
Jemima Nomunume Baada 1 , Roger Antabe 2 , Yuji Sano 3

The experiences of COVID-19 differ at both micro and macro levels. This emphasizes the need for differentiated responses that account for the varying vulnerabilities of diverse groups regarding the pandemic. In Ghana, much of the attention on COVID-19 has been on urban centres, particularly the country's two largest metropolises in southern Ghana. This has created a gap between national level policy and the experiences of COVID-19 among rural dwellers in Ghana. This is despite evidence that the world's poorest populations will bear the brunt of COVID-19 effects, and that globally, four out of five people living below the poverty line reside in rural areas. Using the Upper West Region as a case study, we discuss the differentiated vulnerabilities that agrarian communities in Ghana face regarding the pandemic. We situate our discussions within the theories of vulnerability and feminist political economy to highlight how interlocking vulnerabilities regarding historical, environmental, geopolitical, socio-economic, health, and gendered inequalities affect the disposition of agrarian communities to cope with and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. We call for more nuanced COVID-19 responses that account for the needs and experiences of agrarian communities in Ghana.


加纳上西部地区不同的农业脆弱性和针对 COVID-19 的全国统一应对措施

COVID-19 的经历在微观和宏观层面上都有所不同。这强调需要采取差异化的应对措施,考虑到不同群体对这一流行病的不同脆弱性。在加纳,人们对 COVID-19 的关注主要集中在城市中心,特别是该国位于加纳南部的两个最大的大都市。这造成了国家层面的政策与加纳农村居民的 COVID-19 经历之间的差距。尽管有证据表明,世界上最贫困的人口将首当其冲地受到 COVID-19 的影响,而且在全球范围内,生活在贫困线以下的人有五分之四居住在农村地区。我们以上西部地区为案例研究,讨论了加纳农业社区在疫情方面面临的不同脆弱性。我们将我们的讨论置于脆弱性和女权主义政治经济学理论的框架内,以强调历史、环境、地缘政治、社会经济、健康和性别不平等等相互关联的脆弱性如何影响农业社区应对 COVID-19 并从中恢复的能力大流行。我们呼吁采取更细致的 COVID-19 应对措施,考虑加纳农业社区的需求和经验。