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Presence and participation in a virtual court
Criminology & Criminal Justice ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1177/17488958211017372
Meredith Rossner 1 , David Tait 2

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in the use of video-mediated justice practices. However, such developments have already been transforming justice over the course of the previous 20 years. Scholars and legal professinals have expressed concerns over how remote appearance in court impacts perceptions of the accused. In this article, we consider some of these concerns and explore the concept of the ‘distributed court’ as a potential remedy. Unlike traditional video appearance in court, where a defendant participates remotely while all other players are co-located in the same courtroom, in a distributed court all participants meet in a shared virtual space. Such a configuration is similar to the virtual courts developed worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. We draw on a reimagining of co-presence from scholars in the sociology of technology to elaborate the concept of the distributed court. We then present the results of a mock jury study that examines how jurors respond to variations in court technology configurations. We find that appearing by video does not impact the likelihood of a guilty verdict. Rather, a defendant appearing alone in a dock seems to be the most prejudicial location. We find that a distributed court can communicate equality and produce a shared experience of remote participation. We conclude with a discussion of how this research can inform best practice in a future where a significant number of criminal hearings are likely to continue in a virtual format.



COVID-19 大流行导致以视频为媒介的司法实践的使用增加。然而,在过去的 20 年里,这种发展已经改变了司法。学者和法律专业人士对远程出庭会如何影响对被告的看法表示担忧。在本文中,我们考虑了其中一些问题,并探讨了“分布式法院”的概念作为一种潜在的补救措施。与传统的视频出庭不同,被告远程参与,而所有其他参与者都位于同一法庭,在分布式法庭中,所有参与者都在共享的虚拟空间中会面。这种配置类似于 COVID-19 大流行期间全球开发的虚拟法庭。我们利用技术社会学学者对共存的重新构想来阐述分布式法院的概念。然后,我们展示了模拟陪审团研究的结果,该研究检查陪审员如何应对法庭技术配置的变化。我们发现通过视频出现不会影响有罪判决的可能性。相反,被告单独出现在被告席上似乎是最有偏见的地点。我们发现分布式法院可以传达平等并产生远程参与的共享体验。我们最后讨论了这项研究如何为未来的最佳实践提供信息,因为大量刑事听证会可能以虚拟形式继续进行。然后,我们展示了模拟陪审团研究的结果,该研究检查陪审员如何应对法庭技术配置的变化。我们发现通过视频出现不会影响有罪判决的可能性。相反,被告单独出现在被告席上似乎是最有偏见的地点。我们发现分布式法院可以传达平等并产生远程参与的共享体验。我们最后讨论了这项研究如何为未来的最佳实践提供信息,因为大量刑事听证会可能以虚拟形式继续进行。然后,我们展示了模拟陪审团研究的结果,该研究检查陪审员如何应对法庭技术配置的变化。我们发现通过视频出现不会影响有罪判决的可能性。相反,被告单独出现在被告席上似乎是最有偏见的地点。我们发现分布式法院可以传达平等并产生远程参与的共享体验。我们最后讨论了这项研究如何为未来的最佳实践提供信息,因为大量刑事听证会可能以虚拟形式继续进行。我们发现分布式法院可以传达平等并产生远程参与的共享体验。我们最后讨论了这项研究如何为未来的最佳实践提供信息,因为大量刑事听证会可能以虚拟形式继续进行。我们发现分布式法院可以传达平等并产生远程参与的共享体验。我们最后讨论了这项研究如何为未来的最佳实践提供信息,因为大量刑事听证会可能以虚拟形式继续进行。
