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Framing the Collective “We” and the Antagonistic “Other” through Metacontrast: Intragroup Homogenization and Intergroup Polarization in the Hindu Nationalist Movement*
Sociological Forum ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-08 , DOI: 10.1111/socf.12726
Dhruba Das 1 , Monica M. Whitham 1

The right-wing Hindu nationalist “Hindutva” movement in India has political control of the world’s most populous democracy. To gain insight into the tools of the movement, this paper examines Hindutva framing rhetoric. Social movement framing entails the crafting of movement messages to motivate collective identity and collective action. This paper takes a new approach to studying social movement framing by using the social psychological principle of metacontrast as an organizing theoretical framework. Metacontrast involves minimizing differences within the group (intragroup homogenization) and maximizing differences between groups (intergroup polarization). We argue dual homogenizing-polarizing frames work in concert to construct a unified collective identity and mobilize concerted collective action. Using qualitative content analysis of two Hindutva organization websites, we find Hindutva framing rhetoric simultaneously homogenizes and polarizes through two framing strategies: a threat-counter threat frame that portrays an antagonistic outgroup that must be countered with a unified ingroup, and a striking positive-negative intergroup contrast that paints the ingroup as a moral protector and the outgroup as a vilified adversary. Notably, key to these efforts is the minimization of deeply entrenched, rigid caste differences. Our findings have implications for the study of social movements, nationalism, collective identity, collective action, and intergroup relations.



印度的右翼印度教民族主义“Hindutva”运动控制着世界上人口最多的民主国家。为了深入了解这场运动的工具,本文考察了印度教的框架修辞。社会运动框架需要精心制作运动信息以激发集体认同和集体行动。本文以元对比的社会心理学原理为组织理论框架,采取了一种新的方法来研究社会运动框架。Metacontrast 涉及最小化组内差异(组内同质化)和最大化组间差异(组间极化)。我们认为双重同质化和极化框架协同工作以构建统一的集体身份并动员协调一致的集体行动。通过对两个印度教组织网站的定性内容分析,我们发现印度教框架修辞通过两种框架策略同时同质化和极化:威胁-反威胁框架描绘了必须用统一的内群体来对抗的敌对外群体,以及引人注目的正面-负面群体间的对比将内群体描绘成道德保护者,将外群体描绘成被诽谤的对手。值得注意的是,这些努力的关键是尽量减少根深蒂固的、僵化的种姓差异。我们的发现对社会运动、民族主义、集体认同、集体行动和群体间关系的研究具有重要意义。一个威胁-反威胁框架描绘了一个敌对的外群,必须用统一的内群来对抗,以及一个显着的正负群际对比,将内群描绘成道德保护者,外群描绘成一个被诽谤的对手。值得注意的是,这些努力的关键是尽量减少根深蒂固的、僵化的种姓差异。我们的发现对社会运动、民族主义、集体认同、集体行动和群体间关系的研究具有重要意义。一个威胁-反威胁框架描绘了一个敌对的外群,必须用统一的内群来对抗,以及一个显着的正负群际对比,将内群描绘成道德保护者,外群描绘成一个被诽谤的对手。值得注意的是,这些努力的关键是尽量减少根深蒂固的、僵化的种姓差异。我们的发现对社会运动、民族主义、集体认同、集体行动和群体间关系的研究具有重要意义。