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Systems Research and Behavioral Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1002/sres.2792

In “The coordinates of scaling: Facilitating inclusive innovation”, which was published on Early View last September 09, 2020, the text on Figure 1, on the fifth box; its placement on the PDF version and the second sentence on the fourth paragraph of section 2.1 Findings—20 scaling frameworks, were found to be incorrect.

Figure 1 in PDF goes after the following paragraph in page 2: “We also added ExpandNet3, a known source for scaling that has a scaling-up bibliography organized in 10 themes, with 369 titles focusing on scaling and 92 focusing on scaling up frameworks, with another 36 titles on development. We eliminated the duplicates with the articles selected on the first step, resulting in 52 new documents”.

The correct texts for Figure 1, fifth box should be “Applying inclusion criteria to citations resulting in 20 scaling frameworks (table 1)” as seen in the corrected figure below:

Details are in the caption following the image
Open in figure viewerPowerPoint
Flow diagram indicating the search process

Lastly, the second sentence on the fourth paragraph of section 2.1 Findings—20 scaling frameworks, the correct statement should be:

ExpandNet is one of the approaches that describes in more in detail, in 9 steps and considers scaling as “deliberate efforts to increase the impact of successfully tested health innovations so as to benefit more people and to foster policy and programme development on a lasting basis” (ExpandNet 2010, p. 2).



在去年 2020 年 9 月 9 日在 Early View 上发表的“缩放的坐标:促进包容性创新”中,图 1 中的文字在第五个方框中;它在 PDF 版本中的位置和第 2.1 节结果的第四段的第二句 - 20 个缩放框架,被发现是不正确的。

PDF 中的图 1 在第 2 页中的以下段落之后:“我们还添加了 ExpandNet 3,这是一个已知的扩展来源,它有一个按 10 个主题组织的扩展参考书目,其中 369 个标题专注于扩展,92 个标题专注于扩展框架,另外还有 36 个标题正在开发中。我们用第一步选择的文章消除了重复,产生了 52 个新文档”。

图 1 的正确文本,第五个框应该是“将纳入标准应用于引文,产生 20 个缩放框架(表 1)”,如下图所示:


最后,第 2.1 节的第四段的第二句话——20 个扩展框架,正确的说法应该是:

ExpandNet 是更详细地描述的方法之一,分 9 个步骤,并将扩展视为“刻意努力增加成功测试的健康创新的影响,以使更多人受益,并在持久的基础上促进政策和计划的发展” (ExpandNet 2010,第 2 页)。
