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Effects of dust deposition from diamond mining on subarctic plant communities and barren-ground caribou forage
Journal of Environmental Quality ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1002/jeq2.20251
Autumn D Watkinson 1 , John Virgl 2 , Valerie S Miller 1 , M Anne Naeth 1 , Jaewoo Kim 3 , Kerrie Serben 2 , Chris Shapka 4 , Sean Sinclair 5

Dust produced from mining has the potential to reduce plant cover, alter plant communities, and increase metal concentrations in vegetation—changes that may affect the amount, type, and quality of forage for barren-ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus). We quantified dust deposition from Diavik Diamond Mine (Northwest Territories, Canada) and investigated the changes on forage quality, type, and quantity for caribou. From 2002 to 2016, dust deposition was measured, and vegetation cover and richness were assessed in permanent plots established adjacent to the mine and in reference areas 1–6 km from the mine. Lichen was collected from areas up to 100 km from the mine to determine metal concentrations. Dust deposition rapidly decreased within 4 km of the mine. Plant communities adjacent to the mine (within 500 m) had disproportionately increased cover of vascular plants and decreased bryophyte and lichen cover. Lichen sampled within 4 km from the mine had greater metal concentrations than those sampled farther afield. Concentrations of Al in lichen collected within 40 km of the mine exceeded safe exposure limits for consumption, assuming lichen comprised 100% of caribou diet. We conclude that dust deposition from mining is altering adjacent vegetation communities but that such changes to forage are unlikely to cause negative effects to caribou due to reduced lichen intake in summer and autumn, their migratory nature, and avoidance of mine-influenced areas. However, minimization and reclamation of mine-related disturbances will be important for maintaining sufficient quality forage and available habitat or space in caribou ranges.



采矿产生的粉尘有可能减少植物覆盖、改变植物群落并增加植被中的金属浓度——这些变化可能会影响荒地驯鹿 ( Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus )草料的数量、类型和质量)。我们量化了 Diavik 钻石矿(加拿大西北地区)的粉尘沉积,并调查了驯鹿草料质量、类型和数量的变化。从 2002 年到 2016 年,测量了粉尘沉积,并评估了与矿山相邻的永久性地块和距离矿山 1-6 公里的参考区域的植被覆盖度和丰富度。从距矿山 100 公里的地区收集地衣以确定金属浓度。在矿山 4 公里范围内,粉尘沉积迅速减少。矿区附近(500 m 内)的植物群落不成比例地增加了维管植物的覆盖率,减少了苔藓植物和地衣的覆盖率。在距离矿井 4 公里范围内取样的地衣比在更远的地方取样的地衣具有更高的金属浓度。假设地衣占北美驯鹿饮食的 100%,那么在矿山 40 公里范围内收集的地衣中铝的浓度超过了食用的安全暴露限值。我们得出的结论是,采矿产生的粉尘沉积正在改变邻近的植被群落,但由于夏季和秋季地衣摄入量减少、它们的迁徙性质以及避开受矿山影响的地区,这种对草料的改变不太可能对驯鹿造成负面影响。然而,尽量减少和开垦与矿山有关的干扰对于在驯鹿范围内保持足够的优质草料和可用的栖息地或空间非常重要。我们得出的结论是,采矿产生的粉尘沉积正在改变邻近的植被群落,但由于夏季和秋季地衣摄入量减少、它们的迁徙性质以及避开受矿山影响的地区,这种对草料的改变不太可能对驯鹿造成负面影响。然而,尽量减少和开垦与矿山有关的干扰对于在驯鹿范围内保持足够的优质草料和可用的栖息地或空间非常重要。我们得出的结论是,采矿产生的粉尘沉积正在改变邻近的植被群落,但由于夏季和秋季地衣摄入量减少、它们的迁徙性质以及避开受矿山影响的地区,这种对草料的改变不太可能对驯鹿造成负面影响。然而,尽量减少和开垦与矿山有关的干扰对于在驯鹿范围内保持足够的优质草料和可用的栖息地或空间非常重要。