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Generalized Circular One-Way Jumping Finite Automata
arXiv - CS - Formal Languages and Automata Theory Pub Date : 2021-06-05 , DOI: arxiv-2106.03852
Ujjwal Kumar Mishra, Kalpana Mahalingam, Rama Raghavan

A discontinuous model of computation called one-way jumping finite automata was defined by H. Chigahara et. al. This model was a restricted version of the model jumping finite automata. One-way jumping finite automata change their states after deleting a letter of an input and jump only in one direction. Allowing a state to delete a subword instead of a letter, we define a new model generalized circular one-way jumping finite automata. These automata work on an input in a circular manner. Similar to one-way jumping finite automata, generalized circular one-way jumping finite automata also jump only in one direction. We show that this newly defined model is powerful than one-way jumping finite automata. We define new variants(right and left) of the model generalized circular one-way jumping finite automata and compare them. We also compare the newly defined model with Chomsky hierarchy. Finally, we explore closure properties of the model.



H. Chigahara 等人定义了一种称为单向跳跃有限自动机的不连续计算模型。阿尔。该模型是模型跳跃有限自动机的受限版本。单向跳跃有限自动机在删除输入的一个字母后改变它们的状态并且只向一个方向跳跃。允许一个状态删除一个子词而不是一个字母,我们定义了一个新的模型广义循环单向跳跃有限自动机。这些自动机以循环方式处理输入。与单向跳跃有限自动机类似,广义循环单向跳跃有限自动机也只向一个方向跳跃。我们表明这个新定义的模型比单向跳跃有限自动机更强大。我们定义模型广义循环单向跳跃有限自动机的新变体(右和左)并进行比较。我们还将新定义的模型与乔姆斯基层次结构进行了比较。最后,我们探索模型的闭合特性。