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Senior Centers and LGBTQ Participants: Engaging older adults virtually in a pandemic
Journal of Gerontological Social Work ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1080/01634372.2021.1937431
Suzanne Marmo 1 , Manoj Pardasani 2 , David Vincent 3


Upon the outbreak of Covid-19, recommendations to cease all non-essential in person services were mandated across the United States to prevent transmission to non-infected individuals. As a result, approximately 96% of all senior centers in the United States were closed to in-person programming. Senior centers have had a long history of engaging older adults, maintaining community connections, enhancing social support and reducing social isolation. SAGE, the first publicly funded senior center for LGBT older adults in the US, serves a traditionally under-served population with a vast array of services and programs. This exploratory, cross-sectional study utilized an online survey to evaluate the experiences of 113 SAGE members after the Coronavirus pandemic closed their senior center. Participants reported a relatively easy adaptation to technology, steady participation in programs and services, satisfaction with virtual senior center programming and a stable sense of engagement with their peers. Higher levels of engagement with senior center programs was associated with stronger feelings of social support. Additionally, stronger perceptions of social support and participation in exercise and fitness programming were associated with higher life satisfaction and lower depression and anxiety. Implications and recommendations for other gerontological service providers are offered.


老年中心和 LGBTQ 参与者:在大流行中虚拟地让老年人参与


Covid-19 爆发后,美国强制要求停止所有非必要的亲自服务,以防止传播给未感染的个人。结果,美国大约 96% 的老年中心不接受面对面的编程。老年中心在吸引老年人、维持社区联系、加强社会支持和减少社会孤立方面有着悠久的历史。SAGE 是美国第一个公共资助的 LGBT 老年人中心,为传统上服务不足的人群提供广泛的服务和计划。这项探索性的横断面研究利用在线调查来评估 113 名 SAGE 成员在冠状病毒大流行关闭其高级中心后的经历。参与者表示对技术的适应相对容易,对计划和服务的参与稳定,对虚拟高级中心计划的满意度以及与同龄人的稳定参与感。参与高级中心项目的程度越高,社会支持感就越强。此外,对社会支持和参与锻炼和健身计划的更强烈看法与更高的生活满意度和更低的抑郁和焦虑有关。提供了对其他老年学服务提供者的影响和建议。参与高级中心项目的程度越高,社会支持感就越强。此外,对社会支持和参与锻炼和健身计划的更强烈看法与更高的生活满意度和更低的抑郁和焦虑有关。提供了对其他老年学服务提供者的影响和建议。参与高级中心项目的程度越高,社会支持感就越强。此外,对社会支持和参与锻炼和健身计划的更强烈的看法与更高的生活满意度和更低的抑郁和焦虑有关。提供了对其他老年学服务提供者的影响和建议。
