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Pole-induced Higgs inflation with hyperbolic Khler geometries
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2021/05/043
C. Pallis 1

We present novel realizations of Higgs inflation within Supergravity which are largely tied to the existence of a pole of order two in the kinetic term of the inflaton field. This pole arises due to the selected s which parameterize the (SU(1,1)/U(1))2 or SU(2,1)/(SU(2) U(1)) manifolds with scalar curvatures ℛ(11)2 =-4/N or ℛ21=-3/N respectively. The associated superpotential includes, in addition to the Higgs superfields, a stabilizer superfield, respects the gauge and an R symmetries and contains the first allowed nonrenormalizable term. If the coefficient of this term is almost equal to that of the others within about 10-5 and N=1, the inflationary observables can be done compatible with the present data and the scale M of gauge-symmetry breaking may assume its value within MSSM. Increasing M beyond this value, though, inflation may be attained with less tuning. Modifications to the Khler potentials associated with the manifolds above allow for inflation, realized with just renormalizable superpotential terms, which results to higher tensor-to-scalar ratios as N approaches its maximum at N ≃ 40.


双曲 Khler 几何的极点引起的希格斯暴胀

我们提出了超引力中希格斯暴胀的新认识,这在很大程度上与暴胀场动力学项中二阶极点的存在有关。这个极点的出现是由于所选的 s 参数化了 (SU(1,1)/U(1)) 2或 SU(2,1)/(SU(2) U(1)) 具有标量曲率 ℛ (11 ) 2 =-4/ N或 ℛ 21 =-3 / N。除了希格斯超场之外,相关的超电势还包括一个稳定器超场,它尊重规范和 R对称性,并包含第一个允许的不可重整化项。如果该项的系数在大约 10 -5N范围内几乎等于其他项的系数=1,暴胀可观测量可以做到与现有数据兼容,规范对称破缺的尺度M可以假设其在 MSSM 内的值。但是,将M增加到超过该值时,可以通过较少的调整来实现通货膨胀。对与上述流形相关的 Khler 势的修改允许膨胀,仅通过可重整化的超势项来实现,这导致随着N在N ≃ 40处接近最大值时 更高的张量与标量比。
