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High energy window for probing dark matter with cosmic-ray antideuterium and antihelium Supported in part by the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFA0402204) and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (11825506, 11821505, U1738209, 11851303, 11947302)
Chinese Physics C ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1674-1137/abf13a
Yu-Chen Ding 1, 2 , Nan Li 1, 2, 3 , Chun-Cheng Wei 1, 2 , Yu-Feng Zhou 1, 2, 4

Cosmic-ray (CR) anti-nuclei are often considered important observables for indirect dark matter (DM) detection at low kinetic energies, below GeV per nucleon. Since the primary CR fluxes drop quickly towards high energies, the secondary anti-nuclei in CR are expected to be significantly suppressed in high energy regions ( GeV per nucleon). If DM particles are heavy, the annihilation productions of DM can be highly boosted, and thus the fluxes of anti-nuclei produced by DM annihilation may exceed the secondary background at high energies, which opens a high energy window for indirect DM detection. We investigate the possibility of detecting heavy DM particles which annihilate into high energy anti-nuclei. We use the Monte Carlo generators PYTHIA, EPOS-LHC and DPMJET and the coalescence model to simulate the production of anti-nuclei, and constrain the DM annihilation cross-sections by using the AMS-02 and HAWC antiproton data and the HESS galactic center -ray data. We find that the conclusion depends on the choice of DM density profiles. For the “Cored” type profile with a DM particle mass TeV, the contributions from DM annihilation can exceed the secondary background in high energy regions, which opens the high energy window, while for the “Cuspy” type profile, the excess disappears.


宇宙线反氘反氦探测暗物质的高能窗口 国家重点研发计划(2017YFA0402204)和国家自然科学基金(11825506、11821505、U1738209、11851303、11947302)部分资助)

宇宙射线 (CR) 反核通常被认为是在低于每个核子 GeV 的低动能下进行间接暗物质 (DM) 探测的重要可观测物。由于初级 CR 通量迅速向高能下降,预计 CR 中的次级反核在高能区域(每个核子 GeV)会受到显着抑制。如果 DM 粒子较重,则 DM 的湮没产生会大大提高,因此 DM 湮没产生的反核通量在高能下可能超过二次背景,为间接检测 DM 开启了高能窗口。我们研究了检测湮灭成高能反核的重 DM 粒子的可能性。我们使用蒙特卡罗发生器 PYTHIA、EPOS-LHC 和 DPMJET 以及聚结模型来模拟反核的产生,并利用 AMS-02 和 HAWC 反质子数据和 HESS 星系中心射线数据约束 DM 湮没截面。我们发现结论取决于 DM 密度分布的选择。对于具有 DM 粒子质量 TeV 的“Coreed”型剖面,DM 湮没的贡献可以超过高能区域的次要背景,从而打开高能窗口,而对于“Cuspy”型剖面,多余的消失了。
