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The upper bound on the tensor-to-scalar ratio consistent with quantum gravity
Communications in Theoretical Physics ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-20 , DOI: 10.1088/1572-9494/abf824
Lina Wu 1 , Qing Gao 2 , Yungui Gong 3 , Yiding Jia 4, 5 , Tianjun Li 4, 5

We consider the polynomial inflation with the tensor-to-scalar ratio as large as possible which can be consistent with the quantum gravity (QG) corrections and effective field theory (EFT). To get a minimal field excursion Δϕ for enough e-folding number N, the inflaton field traverses an extremely flat part of the scalar potential, which results in the Lyth bound to be violated. We get a CMB signal consistent with Planck data by numerically computing the equation of motion for inflaton ϕ and using Mukhanov–Sasaki formalism for primordial spectrum. Inflation ends at Hubble slow-roll parameter ${\epsilon }_{1}^{H}=1$ or $\ddot{a}=0$. Interestingly, we find an excellent practical bound on the inflaton excursion in the format $a+b\sqrt{r}$, where a is a tiny real number and b is at the order 1. To be consistent with QG/EFT and suppress the high-dimensional operators, we show that the concrete condition on inflaton excursion is $\tfrac{{\rm{\Delta }}\phi }{{M}_{\mathrm{Pl}}}\lt 0.2\times \sqrt{10}\simeq 0.632$. For n s = 0.9649, N e = 55, and $\tfrac{{\rm{\Delta }}\phi }{{M}_{\mathrm{Pl}}}\lt 0.632$, we predict that the tensor-to-scalar ratio is smaller than 0.0012 for such polynomial inflation to be consistent with QG/EFT.



我们考虑了具有尽可能大的张量与标量比的多项式膨胀,这可以与量子引力 (QG) 校正和有效场论 (EFT) 一致。为了获得足够大的 e 折叠数N的最小场偏移 Δ ϕ,暴胀子场穿过标量势的一个非常平坦的部分,这导致 Lyth 势必被违反。我们通过数值计算暴胀子ϕ的运动方程并使用 Mukhanov-Sasaki 形式主义来获得与普朗克数据一致的 CMB 信号。通货膨胀以哈勃慢滚参数或 结束。有趣的是,我们发现一个优秀的实用格式绑定在暴胀游览,其中${\epsilon }_{1}^{H}=1$$\ddot{a}=0$$a+b\sqrt{r}$是一个很小的实数,b的阶数为 1。为了与 QG/EFT 一致并抑制高维算子,我们证明了暴胀子偏移的具体条件是$\tfrac{{\rm{\Delta }}\phi {{M}_{\mathrm{Pl}}}\lt 0.2\times \sqrt{10}\simeq 0.632$。对于Ñ 小号= 0.9649,Ñ ë = 55,和,我们预测的张量对标量比率小于0.0012此类多项式通货膨胀为与QG / EFT是一致的。 $\tfrac{{\rm{\Delta }}\phi {{M}_{\mathrm{Pl}}}\lt 0.632$
