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‘Forced to think’—an analysis of how students benefit from online warm-up exercises with feedback
Physics Education Pub Date : 2021-05-19 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6552/abfd40
Kimmo Kulmala , Tommi Kokkonen , Inkeri Kontro

Active learning yields better learning outcomes than traditional, lecture-based teaching. Common approaches in large lecture courses are activating elements during the lectures and warm-up activities using online learning environments. However, implementing warm-up exercises, on which students work on by themselves makes formative feedback increasingly important. We have studied students’ views on warm-up online exercises, focusing on the role of automated feedback. We compared two types of feedback: feedback which guided the student towards the correct answer and feedback that guided the student towards the correct reading materials. We have also examined the correlation between students’ views on the exercises and learning outcomes, as measured by exercise and exam points. The exercises were administered with a Moodle-based system focusing on teaching and assessment using a computer-based algebra kernel. The study was conducted during the first introductory mechanics course in physics at the University of Helsinki. We concluded that the preferred type of feedback was dependent on the student, i.e. different students prefer different kinds of feedback. Importantly, the students who completed the exercises alone reported benefiting more from them, which shows that the warm-up exercises successfully extended support for students outside of classroom hours.



主动学习比传统的基于讲座的教学产生更好的学习成果。大型讲座课程的常见方法是使用在线学习环境在讲座和热身活动中激活元素。然而,实施学生自己进行的热身练习使得形成性反馈变得越来越重要。我们研究了学生对在线热身练习的看法,重点关注自动反馈的作用。我们比较了两种类型的反馈:引导学生获得正确答案的反馈和引导学生获得正确阅读材料的反馈。我们还研究了学生对练习的看法与学习成果之间的相关性,以练习和考试分数来衡量。练习使用基于 Moodle 的系统进行管理,该系统侧重于使用基于计算机的代数内核进行教学和评估。该研究是在赫尔辛基大学的第一门物理学入门力学课程期间进行的。我们得出结论,偏好的反馈类型取决于学生,即不同的学生喜欢不同类型的反馈。重要的是,单独完成练习的学生报告说从中受益更多,这表明热身练习成功地为学生在课外时间提供了支持。不同的学生喜欢不同类型的反馈。重要的是,单独完成练习的学生报告说从中受益更多,这表明热身练习成功地为学生在课外时间提供了支持。不同的学生喜欢不同类型的反馈。重要的是,单独完成练习的学生报告说从中受益更多,这表明热身练习成功地为学生在课外时间提供了支持。
