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Resistive switching memory for high density storage and computingProject supported in part by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant Nos. 2018YFB0407501 and 2016YFA0201800), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61804173, 61922083, 61804167, 61904200, and 61821091), and the fourth China Association for Science and Technology Youth Talent Support Project (Grant No. 2019QNRC001).
Chinese Physics B ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-27 , DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/abe0c4
Xiao-Xin Xu , Qing Luo , Tian-Cheng Gong , Hang-Bing Lv , Qi Liu , Ming Liu

The resistive random access memory (RRAM) has stimulated a variety of promising applications including programmable analog circuit, massive data storage, neuromorphic computing, etc. These new emerging applications have huge demands on high integration density and low power consumption. The cross-point configuration or passive array, which offers the smallest footprint of cell size and feasible capability of multi-layer stacking, has received broad attention from the research community. In such array, correct operation of reading and writing on a cell relies on effective elimination of the sneaking current coming from the neighboring cells. This target requires nonlinear IV characteristics of the memory cell, which can be realized by either adding separate selector or developing implicit build-in nonlinear cells. The performance of a passive array largely depends on the cell nonlinearity, reliability, on/off ratio, line resistance, thermal coupling, etc. This article provides a comprehensive review on the progress achieved concerning 3D RRAM integration. First, the authors start with a brief overview of the associative problems in passive array and the category of 3D architectures. Next, the state of the arts on the development of various selector devices and self-selective cells are presented. Key parameters that influence the device nonlinearity and current density are outlined according to the corresponding working principles. Then, the reliability issues in 3D array are summarized in terms of uniformity, endurance, retention, and disturbance. Subsequently, scaling issue and thermal crosstalk in 3D memory array are thoroughly discussed, and applications of 3D RRAM beyond storage, such as neuromorphic computing and CMOL circuit are discussed later. Summary and outlooks are given in the final.
