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An agile very low frequency radio spectrum explorer
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-20 , DOI: 10.1088/1674-4527/21/4/85
Lin-Jie Chen 1 , Yi-Hua Yan 1, 2 , Qiu-Xiang Fan 3 , Li-Hong Geng 1 , Susanta Kumar Bisoi 1, 4

The very low frequency (VLF) regime below 30 MHz in the electromagnetic spectrum has presently been drawing global attention in radio astronomical research due to its potentially significant science outcomes exploring many unknown extragalactic sources, transients, and so on. However, the nontransparency of the Earth’s ionosphere, ionospheric distortion and artificial radio frequency interference (RFI) have made it difficult to detect the VLF celestial radio emission with ground-based instruments. A straightforward solution to overcome these problems is a space-based VLF radio telescope, just like the VLF radio instruments onboard the Chang’E-4 spacecraft. But building such a space telescope would be inevitably costly and technically challenging. The alternative approach would be then a ground-based VLF radio telescope. Particularly, in the period of post 2020 when the solar and terrestrial ionospheric activities are expected to be in a ‘calm’ state, it will provide us a good chance to perform VLF ground-based radio observations. Anticipating such an opportunity, we built an agile VLF radio spectrum explorer co-located with the currently operationalMingantu Spectra Radio Heliograph (MUSER). The instrument includes four antennas operating in the VLF frequency range 1–70 MHz. Along with them, we employ an eight-channel analog and digital receivers to amplify, digitize and process the radio signals received by the antennas. We present in the paper this VLF radio spectrum explorer and the instrument will be useful for celestial studies of VLF radio emissions.



电磁频谱中低于 30 MHz 的甚低频 (VLF) 区域目前已在射电天文研究中引起全球关注,因为它具有探索许多未知的河外源、瞬变等的潜在重要科学成果。然而,地球电离层的不透明性、电离层畸变和人工射频干扰(RFI)使得地面仪器很难探测到甚低频天体无线电发射。克服这些问题的直接解决方案是天基 VLF 射电望远镜,就像嫦娥四号飞船上的 VLF 无线电仪器一样。但是建造这样一个太空望远镜将不可避免地昂贵且技术上具有挑战性。替代方法将是地面 VLF 射电望远镜。特别,在2020年后太阳和陆地电离层活动预计处于“平静”状态的时期,这将为我们进行VLF地基射电观测提供一个很好的机会。预见到这样的机会,我们构建了一个灵活的 VLF 无线电频谱浏览器,与当前运行的 Mingantu Spectra Radio Heliograph (MUSER) 位于同一地点。该仪器包括四个工作在 VLF 频率范围 1–70 MHz 的天线。与它们一起,我们使用八通道模拟和数字接收器来放大、数字化和处理天线接收到的无线电信号。我们在论文中介绍了这款 VLF 无线电频谱探索器,该仪器将对 VLF 无线电发射的天体研究非常有用。它将为我们提供进行甚低频地面无线电观测的好机会。预见到这样的机会,我们构建了一个灵活的 VLF 无线电频谱浏览器,与当前运行的 Mingantu Spectra Radio Heliograph (MUSER) 位于同一地点。该仪器包括四个工作在 VLF 频率范围 1–70 MHz 的天线。与它们一起,我们使用八通道模拟和数字接收器来放大、数字化和处理天线接收到的无线电信号。我们在论文中介绍了这款 VLF 无线电频谱探索器,该仪器将对 VLF 无线电发射的天体研究非常有用。它将为我们提供进行甚低频地面无线电观测的好机会。预见到这样的机会,我们构建了一个灵活的 VLF 无线电频谱浏览器,与当前运行的 Mingantu Spectra Radio Heliograph (MUSER) 位于同一地点。该仪器包括四个工作在 VLF 频率范围 1–70 MHz 的天线。与它们一起,我们使用八通道模拟和数字接收器来放大、数字化和处理天线接收到的无线电信号。我们在论文中介绍了这款 VLF 无线电频谱探索器,该仪器将对 VLF 无线电发射的天体研究非常有用。该仪器包括四个工作在 VLF 频率范围 1–70 MHz 的天线。与它们一起,我们使用八通道模拟和数字接收器来放大、数字化和处理天线接收到的无线电信号。我们在论文中介绍了这款 VLF 无线电频谱探索器,该仪器将对 VLF 无线电发射的天体研究非常有用。该仪器包括四个工作在 VLF 频率范围 1–70 MHz 的天线。与它们一起,我们使用八通道模拟和数字接收器来放大、数字化和处理天线接收到的无线电信号。我们在论文中介绍了这款 VLF 无线电频谱探索器,该仪器将对 VLF 无线电发射的天体研究非常有用。
