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Spin-half bosonic classification
EPL ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/134/11001
R. J. Bueno Rogerio , A. R. Aguirre

In this paper, we define a new spinor classification that encompasses the recently proposed spin-half bosons with mass dimension three-half (Ahluwalia D. V., EPL, 131 (2020) 41001). As will be shown, these particles, which are governed by a first-order equation and consequently provide a local theory, belong to a specific subclass of class-2 spinors within the bosonic classification, playing a similar role to that of Dirac spinors within the Lounesto classification. Such bosonic classification is shown to be closely connected with the usual fermionic Lounesto classification, and thus, evincing a symmetry between Dirac fermions and spin-half bosons.



在本文中,我们定义了一个新的旋量分类,它包含最近提出的质量维度为三分之一的自旋半玻色子 ( Ahluwalia DV , EPL , 131 (2020) 41001)。正如将要展示的,这些由一阶方程控制并因此提供局部理论的粒子属于玻色子分类中第 2 类旋量的特定子类,与狄拉克旋量在玻色子分类中的作用相似。洛内斯托分类。这种玻色子分类被证明与通常的费米子劳内斯托分类密切相关,因此,证明了狄拉克费米子和自旋半玻色子之间的对称性。
