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Inferring multi-period optimal portfolios via detrending moving average cluster entropyContribution to the Focus Issue Progress on Statistical Physics and Complexity edited by Roberta Citro, Giorgio Kaniadakis, Claudio Guarcello, Antonio Maria Scarfone and Davide Valenti.
EPL ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-13 , DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/133/60004
P. Murialdo 1 , L. Ponta 2 , A. Carbone 1

Despite half a century of research, there is still no general agreement about the optimal approach to build a robust multi-period portfolio. We address this question by proposing the detrended cluster entropy approach to estimate the weights of a portfolio of high-frequency market indices. The information measure gathered from the markets produces reliable estimates of the weights at varying temporal horizons. The portfolio exhibits a high level of diversity, robustness and stability as not affected by the drawbacks of traditional mean-variance approaches.


通过去趋势移动平均聚类熵推断多期最优投资组合对统计物理和复杂性的焦点问题进展的贡献,由 Roberta Citro、Giorgio Kaniadakis、Claudio Guarcello、Antonio Maria Scarfone 和 Davide Valenti 编辑。

