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Summary of the IAEA technical meeting on plasma disruptions and their mitigation
Nuclear Fusion ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-02 , DOI: 10.1088/1741-4326/abfe76
Indranil Bandyopadhyay 1 , Matteo Barbarino 2 , Amitava Bhattacharjee 3 , Nicholas Eidietis 4 , Alexander Huber 5 , Akihiko Isayama 6 , Jayhyun Kim 7 , Sergey Konovalov 8 , Michael Lehnen 9 , Eric Nardon 10 , Gabriella Pautasso 11 , Cristina Rea 12 , Carlo Sozzi 13 , Fabio Villone 14 , Long Zeng 15

This report summarizes the contributions presented at the IAEA technical meeting on plasma disruptions and their mitigation, held virtually, 20–23 July 2020. The meeting brought together more than 120 experts from nuclear fusion research sites worldwide to discuss experimental, theoretical and modelling work in the field of plasma disruptions with special emphasis on developing a solid basis for possible disruption mitigation strategies in ITER and next generation fusion devices. The main topics of the meeting were: (i) disruption consequences, including electromagnetic loads, heat loads, and runaway electrons; (ii) disruption prediction and avoidance, including machine learning and physics-based approaches, and control aspects; and (iii) disruption mitigation, including shattered pellet injection, alternative techniques and general aspects of disruption mitigation.



本报告总结了在 2020 年 7 月 20 日至 23 日以虚拟方式召开的 IAEA 等离子体中断及其缓解技术会议上所做的贡献。会议汇集了来自世界各地核聚变研究场所的 120 多位专家,讨论了以下方面的实验、理论和建模工作等离子体中断领域,特别强调为 ITER 和下一代聚变装置中可能的中断缓解策略奠定坚实的基础。会议的主要议题是: (i) 干扰后果,包括电磁负载、热负载和失控电子;(ii) 中断预测和避免,包括机器学习和基于物理的方法,以及控制方面;(iii) 中断缓解,包括破碎的颗粒注射,
