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Phase-Modulated 2D Topological Physics in a One-Dimensional Ultracold System
Chinese Physics Letters ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1088/0256-307x/38/4/040302
Gang-Feng Guo 1 , Xi-Xi Bao 1 , Lei Tan 1 , Huai-Qiang Gu 2

We propose a one-dimensional optical lattice model to simulate and explore two-dimensional topological phases with ultracold atoms, considering the phases of the hopping strengths as an extra dimension. It is shown that the model exhibits nontrivial phases, and corresponding two chiral-edge states. Moreover, we demonstrate the connections between changes in the topological invariants and the Dirac points. Furthermore, the topological order detected by the particle pumping approach in cold atoms is also investigated. The results obtained here provide a feasible and flexible method of simulating and exploring high-dimensional topological phases in low-dimension systems via the controllable phase of the hopping strength.



