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Allesfitter: Flexible Star and Exoplanet Inference from Photometry and Radial Velocity
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series ( IF 8.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/abe70e
Maximilian N. Günther , Tansu Daylan

We present allesfitter, a public and open-source Python software for flexible and robust inference of stars and exoplanets given photometric and radial velocity data. Allesfitter offers a rich selection of orbital and transit/eclipse models, accommodating multiple exoplanets, multistar systems, transit-timing variations, phase curves, stellar variability, starspots, stellar flares, and various systematic noise models, including Gaussian processes. It features both parameter estimation and Bayesian model selection, allowing either a Markov Chain Monte Carlo or Nested Sampling fit to be easily run. For novice users, a graphical user interface allows all input and perform analyses to be specified; for Python users, all modules can be readily imported into any existing script. Allesfitter also produces publication-ready tables, LaTeX commands, and figures. The software is publicly available (https://github.com/MNGuenther/allesfitter), pip-installable (pip install allesfitter), and well documented (www.allesfitter.com). Finally, we demonstrate the software’s capabilities in several examples and provide updates to the literature where possible for Pi Mensae, TOI-216, WASP-18, KOI-1003, and GJ 1243.


Allesfitter : 灵活的恒星和系外行星的光度测量和径向速度推断

我们提出了allesfitter,这是一种公共和开源Python软件,用于在给定光度和径向速度数据的情况下灵活而稳健地推断恒星和系外行星。Allesfitter提供了丰富的轨道和日/日食模型选择,适用于多个系外行星、多星系统、凌日时间变化、相位曲线、恒星变异、星斑、恒星耀斑和各种系统噪声模型,包括高斯过程。它具有参数估计和贝叶斯模型选择功能,允许轻松运行马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗或嵌套采样拟合。对于新手用户,图形用户界面允许指定所有输入和执行分析;用于Python用户,所有模块都可以轻松导入任何现有脚本。Allesfitter还生成可用于发布的表格、LaTeX 命令和图表。该软件是公开的(https://github.com/MNGuenther/allesfitter),PIP -installable(PIP安装allesfitter),并且有据可查(www.allesfitter.com)。最后,我们在几个示例中展示了该软件的功能,并在可能的情况下为 Pi Mensae、TOI-216、WASP-18、KOI-1003 和 GJ 1243 提供了对文献的更新。
