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Quantifying the carbon footprint reduction potential of lifestyle choices in Japan
Environmental Research Letters ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-21 , DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/abfc07
Yosuke Shigetomi 1 , Keiichiro Kanemoto 2 , Yuki Yamamoto 1 , Yasushi Kondo 3

Numerous studies have investigated the hotspots for reducing carbon emissions associated with household consumption, including reducing household carbon footprints (CFs) and greener lifestyle choices, such as living car-free, eating less meat, and having one less child. However, estimating the effect of each of these actions requires the simultaneous consideration of lifestyle choices and household characteristics that could also affect the household CF. Here, we quantify the reduction in household CFs for 25 factors associated with individual lifestyle choices or socioeconomic characteristics. This study linked approximately 42 000 microdata on consumption expenditure with the Japanese subnational 47 prefecture-level multi-regional input–output table, which are both the finest-scale data currently available. We improved the accuracy of household CF calculations by considering regional heterogeneity, and successfully estimated the magnitude of household CF reduction associated with individual lifestyle choices and socioeconomics. For example, it was found that moving from a cold region to a region with mild climate would have considerable potential for reducing the CO2 emissions of a household, all other factors being equal. In addition, a household residing in a house that meets the most recent energy standards emits 1150 kg less CO2 per year than if they reside in a house that meets previous energy standards. Ownership and use of durable goods also had the potential for reducing the CO2 emissions of a household; a normal-sized car, a personal computer, a compact car, and a bidet were associated with CO2 emissions of 922, 712, 421, and 345 kg per year, respectively. The findings therefore have important implications for climate change mitigation and policy measures associated with lifestyle.



许多研究调查了与家庭消费相关的减少碳排放的热点,包括减少家庭碳足迹 (CF) 和更环保的生活方式选择,例如无车生活、少吃肉和少生一个孩子。然而,估计这些行动的效果需要同时考虑生活方式选择和家庭特征,这也可能影响家庭 CF。在这里,我们量化了与个人生活方式选择或社会经济特征相关的 25 个因素的家庭 CF 减少。本研究将大约 42 000 个消费支出微观数据与日本地方 47 个县级多区域投入产出表联系起来,这两个数据都是目前可获得的最精细的数据。我们通过考虑区域异质性提高了家庭 CF 计算的准确性,并成功估计了与个人生活方式选择和社会经济学相关的家庭 CF 减少幅度。例如,人们发现从寒冷地区转移到气候温和的地区将具有相当大的减少二氧化碳的潜力。2一个家庭的排放量,所有其他因素都相同。此外,居住在符合最新能源标准的房屋中的家庭比居住在符合先前能源标准的房屋中的家庭每年排放的 CO 2少 1150 公斤。拥有和使用耐用品也有可能减少家庭的 CO 2排放;一辆普通尺寸的汽车、一台个人电脑、一辆紧凑型汽车和一个坐浴盆分别与每年 922、712、421 和 345 公斤的CO 2排放有关。因此,这些发现对减缓气候变化和与生活方式相关的政策措施具有重要意义。
