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Assessment of hysterosalpingography radiation doses in Taif city, Saudi Arabia
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2021.109600
Hamid Osman Hamid

The main purpose of this study was to determine the entrance surface air kerma (ESAK), effective dose (E), and organ radiation dose to patients during hysterosalpingography performed in three major hospitals in Taif city, KSA [King Abdul Aziz Hospital (A), King Faisal Hospital (B), and a private hospital (C)]. The study involved 100 female patients (22–44 years of age) for approximately 6 months. Dosecalc software was used to determine the ESAKs. This software needs to record the exposure factors and X-ray tube output (OP), as well as the backscatter factor (BSF). The mean ESAK was 21.7 mGy for all hospitals and 20, 28, and 17 mGy for hospitals A, B, and C, respectively. There were wide ranges in the ESAKs among the hospitals in the current and previous studies. The mean organ radiation dose estimated for the urinary bladder, gonads, bone marrow, and colon was 0.87, 1.7, 2.6, and 1.7 mSv, respectively. The average ESAK results for all patients was higher than most previous studies. Due to the exposure factors, filtration, and skill of the operator, the dose values varied. Additionally, organs (e.g., ovaries and bone marrow) reported high doses, which increased the probability of cancer and hereditary effects, and necessitate radiation dose optimization. The results indicated the need to standardize the technology and introduce the diagnostic reference level throughout hospitals.



本研究的主要目的是确定在沙特阿拉伯塔伊夫市的三大医院 [阿卜杜勒阿齐兹国王医院 (A) 进行子宫输卵管造影术期间患者的入口表面空气比释动能 (ESAK)、有效剂量 (E) 和器官辐射剂量、费萨尔国王医院 (B) 和私立医院 (C)]。该研究涉及 100 名女性患者(22-44 岁),持续约 6 个月。Dosecalc 软件用于确定 ESAK。该软件需要记录曝光系数和 X 射线管输出 (OP),以及背向散射系数 (BSF)。所有医院的平均 ESAK 为 21.7 mGy,医院 A、B 和 C 的平均 ESAK 分别为 20、28 和 17 mGy。在当前和以前的研究中,医院中 ESAK 的范围很广。膀胱、性腺、骨髓、和冒号分别为 0.87、1.7、2.6 和 1.7 mSv。所有患者的平均 ESAK 结果高于大多数以前的研究。由于暴露因素、过滤和操作者的技能,剂量值不同。此外,器官(例如,卵巢和骨髓)报告了高剂量,这增加了癌症和遗传效应的可能性,并且需要优化辐射剂量。结果表明需要标准化该技术并在整个医院引入诊断参考水平。这增加了癌症和遗传效应的可能性,并且需要优化辐射剂量。结果表明需要标准化该技术并在整个医院引入诊断参考水平。这增加了癌症和遗传效应的可能性,并且需要优化辐射剂量。结果表明需要标准化该技术并在整个医院引入诊断参考水平。
