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Testing a new indirect measure of general self-worth: The Self-esteem Questionnaire-based Implicit Association Test
British Journal of Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-08 , DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12472
Iftah Yovel 1 , Gidi Aviram 1 , Noga Kahana 1 , Benjamin A Katz 1

The self-esteem Questionnaire-based Implicit Association Test (SE-qIAT) provides an indirect assessment of general self-worth that is based on the items of the well-validated Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), and the structure of this variant of the IAT enables a clearer interpretation, compared with the conventional self-esteem IAT. Study 1 (N = 224) provided support for the internal consistency, test–retest reliability, and implicit–explicit convergent validity of the SE-qIAT. In Study 2 (N = 305), the correlation of the SE-qIAT with the explicit RSES was replicated, and it was larger than the correlations of the SE-qIAT with other self-reports. As to criterion validity, the SE-qIAT moderated the effect of a mild social threat (being excluded in the Cyberball game) on participants’ performance in a subsequent anagram task, and this effect was incremental to the explicit self-esteem assessment. In Study 3 (N = 334), the SE-qIAT correlated positively with the self-esteem IAT and negatively with a measure of depression. The two implicit tasks correlated uniquely with each other, above and beyond the variance they each shared with the explicit RSES. Taken together, these findings provide initial support for the reliability and validity of the SE-qIAT.



基于自尊问卷的内隐关联测试 (SE-qIAT) 提供了基于经过充分验证的罗森伯格自尊量表 (RSES) 的项目以及此变体结构的一般自我价值的间接评估与传统的自尊 IAT 相比,IAT 的解释能够更清晰地解释。研究 1 ( N  = 224) 为 SE-qIAT 的内部一致性、重测信度和内显-显式收敛效度提供了支持。在研究 2 ( N = 305),SE-qIAT 与显式 RSES 的相关性被复制,并且大于 SE-qIAT 与其他自我报告的相关性。至于标准效度,SE-qIAT 缓和了轻度社会威胁(被排除在 Cyber​​ball 游戏中)对参与者在随后的字谜任务中的表现的影响,并且这种影响是对明确的自尊评估的增量。在研究 3 ( N  = 334) 中,SE-qIAT 与自尊 IAT 呈正相关,与抑郁量度呈负相关。这两个隐式任务彼此唯一相关,超出了它们各自与显式 RSES 共享的方差。总之,这些发现为 SE-qIAT 的可靠性和有效性提供了初步支持。