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Demographic change, segregation, and the emergence of peripheral spaces in St. Louis, Missouri
Applied Geography ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2021.102472
Christopher G. Prener

St. Louis, Missouri, is a case study in America's long legacy of racism and a prominent example of a “shrinking city.” This paper expands the notions of “core” and “periphery” using the highly segregated city and its suburbs to include not just economic exploitation but also racial exploitation. Using historical and contemporary census data and spatial data delineating the boundaries of Home Owner Loan Corporation grades (i.e., “redlining” maps), this paper examines the relationship between historical racism, contemporary segregation, and economic consequences. I find that St. Louis's peripheral areas expanded over the twentieth century, first in the city and then in the county, creating dual zones of exploitation where poverty, segregation, and income inequality remain persistently higher. These findings identify the historical roots of contemporary segregation, and suggest that addressing the long term consequences of both racial and economic exploitation in peripheral spaces remains critical for improving African American families' life chances.



密苏里州圣路易斯是美国长期种族主义遗产的一个案例研究,也是“城市萎缩”的突出例子。本文使用高度隔离的城市及其郊区扩展了“核心”和“外围”的概念,不仅包括经济剥削,还包括种族剥削。本文使用历史和当代人口普查数据以及描绘房主贷款公司等级界限的空间数据(即“红线”地图),研究了历史种族主义、当代种族隔离和经济后果之间的关系。我发现圣路易斯的外围地区在 20 世纪扩张,先是在城市,然后是在县,创造了双重剥削区,贫困、隔离和收入不平等持续加剧。
