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A politics of placelessness? The limits of democratising memory in the Centro de Documentación e Investigación of Lima’s Lugar de la Memoria
Memory Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-08 , DOI: 10.1177/17506980211010935
Daniel Willis 1

The Centro de Documentación e Investigación (CDI) is an online archive which provides free access to over 20 collections on Peru’s internal armed conflict (1980–2000), a conflict which was distinctly shaped by racial and social inequalities. The digital nature of the archive is presented as an opportunity for democratising access to these historical sources and for promoting commemoration as a means of cultural reconciliation. However, there is a risk that pre-existing social geographies and material concerns will mean that the CDI replicates offline exclusions. This article argues that, whilst the CDI has made these documents accessible to a broader geographical audience, usage of the digital archive is still largely mediated through social hierarchies. Through its online archive and offline engagement activities, the CDI appears to have generated a more geographically distributed network of content producers, but one which remains biased towards university-educated participants in urban areas.


无处可去的政治?Centro de Documentación e Investigación of Lima's Lugar de la Memoria 中民主化记忆的局限性

Centro de Documentación e Investigación (CDI) 是一个在线档案,可免费访问 20 多个关于秘鲁内部武装冲突(1980-2000 年)的藏品,这场冲突明显受到种族和社会不平等的影响。档案馆的数字化性质被认为是使这些历史资源的访问民主化和促进作为文化和解手段的纪念活动的机会。然而,预先存在的社会地理和物质问题可能意味着 CDI 复制线下排除。本文认为,虽然 CDI 使更广泛的地理受众可以访问这些文件,但数字档案的使用仍然主要通过社会等级制度进行调解。通过其在线存档和线下参与活动,
