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A Novel Stacked Cell Layout for High-Frequency Power Applications
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-14 , DOI: 10.1109/lmwc.2021.3073219
Ferdinando Costanzo , Anna Piacibello , Marco Pirola , Paolo Colantonio , Vittorio Camarchia , Rocco Giofre

This letter presents an innovative stacked cell, where the common source device is split in to two smaller devices leading to a more compact and symmetric structure, with almost negligible parasitics associated with the transistor connection. This novel configuration is rigorously compared, for the first time, with the two classical approaches commonly adopted to physically connect the two devices. The three different layouts are fabricated in gallium nitride technology for high-frequency power applications and experimentally compared by means of an extensive measurement campaign performed on several loads and in different bias conditions, ranging from class AB to C. The proposed novel configuration outperforms the other two in all conditions, thanks to the advantages of adopting two smaller devices with reduced parasitics, higher gain, and higher power density. These features are common to different technologies, thus making the novel topology widely applicable for the design of high-frequency stacked cells.