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Learning from pandemics: Applying resilience thinking to identify priorities for planning urban settlements
Journal of Urban Management ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jum.2021.05.004
Shruti Syal

Based in an interdisciplinary review of the literature on COVID-19 and recent outbreaks, this paper uses pandemics as a lens to examine the socio-ecological resilience of human settlements. This narrative literature review applies the conceptual framework for resilience developed for complex systems to identify five planning and policy issues critical to disease emergence, transmission, and outbreak. First, since urban settlements and activities facilitate pathogen transmission between species, reducing 'shocks' like zoonotic diseases and climate change requires not just prioritizing urbanization patterns and land use in urban policies for environmental health, but also animal rearing practices and biodiversity maintenance. Second, since disease transmission is linked to not just contact rate but also host susceptibility, reducing vulnerability by improving equity in access to essential infrastructures like housing, water, sanitation, healthy food, green/public spaces, healthcare—that impact human health directly and indirectly—is critical. In its absence, curbing disease transmission requires focusing on contact rate suppression, but doing so brings human activity to a halt, decimating the economy and livelihoods. Third, the persistence of many pathogens or their vectors in environmental media suggests that built environment & public health professionals must address maintenance of environmental quality at various scales. Fourth, there is a need for redundancy, be it in commodity supply chains (like PPE, food) or data management for say, monitoring & enforcement of home quarantines during a pandemic. Fifth, while it is crucial to have a centralized response for healthcare, decentralized infrastructure management has been critical during this outbreak: including participatory governance structures to recruit civil society in data collection and self-reporting, reliance on and quick development of mutual aid groups to distribute food and other essential supplies, localized approaches to repurposing infrastructures to create safe public spaces. This application of resilience thinking also evokes the need to study cities as social-ecological systems.



基于对 COVID-19 和最近爆发的文献的跨学科审查,本文以流行病为视角来研究人类住区的社会生态恢复力。这篇叙述性文献综述应用了为复杂系统开发的复原力概念框架,以确定对疾病出现、传播和爆发至关重要的五个规划和政策问题。首先,由于城市住区和活动促进了病原体在物种之间的传播,减少人畜共患病和气候变化等“冲击”不仅需要在城市环境健康政策中优先考虑城市化模式和土地利用,还需要动物饲养实践和生物多样性维护。其次,由于疾病传播不仅与接触率有关,还与宿主易感性有关,通过改善获得基本基础设施(如住房、水、卫生、健康食品、绿色/公共空间、医疗保健)的公平性来降低脆弱性,这些基础设施直接和间接地影响人类健康,这一点至关重要。如果没有它,遏制疾病传播需要重点抑制接触率,但这样做会导致人类活动停止,破坏经济和生计。第三,许多病原体或其媒介在环境媒体中的持续存在表明,建筑环境和公共卫生专业人员必须解决不同规模的环境质量维护问题。第四,需要冗余,无论是在商品供应链(如 PPE、食品)还是数据管理中,例如在大流行期间监控和执行家庭隔离。第五,虽然对医疗保健进行集中应对至关重要,但在此次疫情期间,分散的基础设施管理至关重要:包括参与式治理结构以招募民间社会参与数据收集和自我报告,依赖和快速发展互助小组来分发食物和其他基本用品,本地化的方法来重新利用基础设施以创建安全的公共空间。韧性思维的这种应用也唤起了将城市作为社会生态系统进行研究的必要性。依靠并迅速发展互助团体来分发食物和其他必需品,本地化方法重新利用基础设施以创造安全的公共空间。韧性思维的这种应用也唤起了将城市作为社会生态系统进行研究的必要性。依靠并迅速发展互助团体来分发食物和其他必需品,本地化方法重新利用基础设施以创造安全的公共空间。韧性思维的这种应用也唤起了将城市作为社会生态系统进行研究的必要性。
