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When Must One Permit Scandals to Arise? A Comparison of Two Traditions
Irish Theological Quarterly ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-08 , DOI: 10.1177/00211400211017692
Justin M. Anderson 1

The essay argues that were a bishop to consult the treatment of scandal in the manuals of moral theology of the last several centuries, he could easily find rational justification for an ecclesial cover-up. Given the manualists’ overwhelming emphasis on avoiding scandal, Peter Cantor’s (d. 1197) triplex veritas—a threefold truth one may never abandon despite scandals arising—offers the beginning of a necessary corrective rationale. While not abandoning the insights of the manual writers altogether, the lost medieval tradition of the triplex veritas should be revived to correct the unidirectional rationale regarding the avoidance of scandal.



这篇文章认为,如果一位主教在过去几个世纪的道德神学手册中查阅丑闻的处理方法,他很容易为教会的掩盖找到合理的理由。鉴于手册作者压倒性地强调避免丑闻,彼得·康托尔 (d. 1197) 的三重真理——尽管丑闻不断,但人们永远不会放弃的三重真理——提供了必要的纠正理由的开端。虽然不完全放弃手册作者的见解,但应该恢复中世纪失落的三重真理传统,以纠正关于避免丑闻的单向理由。
