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Overcoming vested interests against innovation through political entrepreneurship: A comparative study of Korean mobility cases
Science and Public Policy ( IF 2.087 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1093/scipol/scab019
Yong In Choi 1 , Byoung-Joo Kim 2

Technological innovators encounter resistance when vested interests organize collective actions to block progress and preserve their turfs. Some innovators make politically strategic and tactical choices to overcome such resistance, while others take different paths and fail. To identify factors enabling the successful management of resistance, this study reviews relevant theoretical concepts, examines and compares two recent Korean mobility cases, and discusses their policy implications. ‘Political entrepreneurship’ of innovators plays a critical role in enabling innovative newcomers overcome collective action by vested interests. Successful political entrepreneurship seeks compromises and win-win solutions. This paper adds to science, technology, and innovation literature by suggesting that policymakers should do what they can to encourage innovative newcomers to pursue ‘political entrepreneurship’ when they face seemingly insurmountable opposition. This study builds on Mancur Olson’s theory of collective action in the context of innovations studies, by adding ‘political entrepreneurship’ and broadening the scope for resolving the Olsonian dilemma.



当既得利益集团组织集体行动阻止进步并保护他们的地盘时,技术创新者会遇到阻力。一些创新者做出政治战略和战术选择以克服这种阻力,而另一些创新者则采取不同的路径并失败。为了确定能够成功管理阻力的因素,本研究回顾了相关的理论概念,检查和比较了最近的两个韩国流动案例,并讨论了它们的政策含义。创新者的“政治企业家精神”在使创新者克服既得利益集团的集体行动方面发挥着关键作用。成功的政治企业家寻求妥协和双赢的解决方案。这篇论文增加了科学、技术、和创新文献,建议政策制定者在面临看似不可逾越的反对时,应尽其所能鼓励创新的新来者追求“政治创业”。本研究以 Mancur Olson 的创新研究背景下的集体行动理论为基础,增加了“政治企业家精神”并扩大了解决 Olsonian 困境的范围。