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The “Plague of Cyprian”: A revised view of the origin and spread of a 3rd-c. CE pandemic
Journal of Roman Archaeology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-07 , DOI: 10.1017/s1047759421000349
Sabine R. Huebner

Kyle Harper's article on the “Plague of Cyprian” that appeared in this journal in 2015 constitutes the only comprehensive study to date of this important disease outbreak in the third quarter of the 3rd c. CE. The current article revisits the main evidence for this epidemic and corrects and improves our understanding of its origin, timeline, and spread. It contends that the disease entered the Roman Empire via Gothic invasions on the Danube rather than traveling up the Nile from inner Africa. It further argues that the disease reached the Roman Empire only after the death of Decius and cannot be connected with the latter's edict commanding sacrifices to the Roman gods, issued in 249 CE. While the pestilence indubitably exacerbated the political and military crisis of the third quarter of the 3rd c. CE, it should probably not be considered as the root of the crisis itself, as Harper has suggested.


“塞浦路斯瘟疫”:对 3rd-c 起源和传播的修正观点。CE大流行

凯尔·哈珀 2015 年发表在本期刊上的关于“塞浦路斯瘟疫”的文章是迄今为止对 3 世纪第三季度这一重要疾病爆发的唯一全面研究。行政长官。目前的文章重新审视了这一流行病的主要证据,并纠正和提高了我们对其起源、时间线和传播的理解。它认为这种疾病是通过哥特式入侵多瑙河而不是从非洲内陆沿尼罗河进入罗马帝国的。它进一步争辩说,这种疾病仅在德西乌斯死后才传播到罗马帝国,与后者于公元 249 年发布的命令向罗马众神献祭的法令无关。而瘟疫无疑加剧了 3 世纪第三季度的政治和军事危机。行政长官,