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Microcrinoids from the lower and middle Albian of the Anglo-Paris Basin (southern England, UK, Seine Maritime, Pas de Calais and Aube, France)
Cretaceous Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104902
Andy Gale , Bertrand Matrion

Microcrinoids of the family Roveacrinidae Peck, 1943 are described from lower and middle Albian clays of the Anglo-Paris Basin (Seine Maritime, Pas de Calais and Aube, France; Kent and Bedfordshire, UK). They are referred to two subfamilies - the Orthogonocrininae Gale, 2019 and the Plotocrininae Gale, 2020. Orthogonocrinines include the long-ranging (middle Albian-lower Cenomanian) species Orthogonocrinus apertus Peck, 1943, and Styracocrinus peracutus (Peck, 1955), known from Texas, USA, Morocco, the UK and France, and two stratigraphically successive species of the genus Hyalocrinus, H. magniezii Destombes, 1984 and H. bulliensis Destombes, 1984, known only from the lower and middle Albian of the UK and France. Plotocrinines include two middle Albian species, Plotocrinus distinctus Peck, 1943 and P. rashallae Gale, 2020, known from France and Texas, and the new Calvaticrinus gen. nov., type species Plotocrinus monocarinatus Destombes, 1984. Calvaticrinus gen. nov., known only from the Anglo-Paris Basin, forms an evolutionary lineage of, successively, C. integer (Hess, 2010) – C. monocarinatus- C. subplanatus (Destombes, 1984) through the lower and middle Albian. The Plotocrinus species allow correlation of the Anahoplites intermedius Zone of northwest Europe to the lower Manuaniceras carbonarium Zone of Texas. The new material represents the oldest roveacrinids known from three-dimentsional material and forms the basis of a phylogenetic analysis of the Roveacrinidae.



Roveacrinidae Peck,1943 年从盎格鲁-巴黎盆地(Seine Maritime,Pas de Calais 和 Aube,法国;肯特和贝德福德郡,英国)的中下部阿尔比粘土中描述了 Roveacrinidae Peck 家族的微百合。它们被称为两个亚科 - Orthogonocrininae Gale,2019 和 Plotocrininae Gale,2020。 Orthogonocrinines 包括远距离(中阿尔比亚-下森诺曼)物种Orthogonocrinus apertus Peck,1943 和Styracocrinus apertus Peck(1943)和Styracocrinus peracutus ( 5,19Peck )美国德克萨斯州、摩洛哥、英国和法国,以及Hyalocrinus属的两个地层连续物种,H. magniezii Destombes,1984 和H.bulliensisDestombes,1984,仅在英国和法国的中低阿尔比安地区已知。Plotocrinines 包括两个中阿尔比物种,Plotocrinus distinctus Peck,1943 年和P.rashallae Gale,2020 年,在法国和德克萨斯州已知,以及新的Calvaticrinus gen。11 月,类型物种Plotocrinus monocarinatus Destombes,1984 年。Calvaticrinus gen。nov.,仅在盎格鲁-巴黎盆地已知,形成了一个进化谱系,依次是C. integer (Hess, 2010) – C. monocarinatus - C. subplanatus (Destombes, 1984) 到阿尔比山脉的中下部。该Plotocrinus种允许的相关Anahoplites中间型欧洲西北部的地区到德克萨斯州的下Manuaniceras 碳矿区。新材料代表了从三维材料中已知的最古老的 roveacrinids,并构成了 Roveacrinidae 系统发育分析的基础。
