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Copulatory Signaling and Polygamy of Glassy-Winged Sharpshooters (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)
Annals of the Entomological Society of America ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-19 , DOI: 10.1093/aesa/saab019
Shira D Gordon 1 , Rodrigo Krugner 1

Finding a partner to mate with may be only part of ensuring successful siring of offspring. Females often exhibit cryptic female choice (CFC) during or after copulation, which can influence whose sperm from her multiple partners is chosen for egg fertilization. Known behavioral mechanisms for CFC include assessment of males by their nuptial gifts, duration of copulation, and seminal fluid contents. In this study, the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), behaviors during the course of copulation were investigated. Glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS) use vibrational communication before copulation occurs. However, little is known about behaviors that occur during and after copulation. Results from this study determined that vibrational signaling also occurs during copulation. Vibrational signals similar to those emitted during precopulatory communication were identified during copulation alongside a new, ‘hum-like’ signal that typically occurred within 10 s after the pair joined in copulation. In addition, results determined the duration of copulation was on average of 15 h, though with a 10-h range (8.5–18.5 h) among observed male–female pairs. Finally, both males and females mated more than once. Collectively, results identified key reproductive parameters required for CFC to occur in GWSS. The study expands on the known animals that use CFC and emphasizes the role that copulatory vibrational communication may play setting the foundations for future more in-depth studies. Understanding of insect behaviors necessary for successful production of offspring is important from an ecological perspective and for development of pest control methods.



寻找伴侣交配可能只是确保后代成功繁殖的一部分。女性在交配期间或交配后经常表现出隐秘的女性选择 (CFC),这可能会影响她的多个伴侣的精子被选择用于卵子受精。CFC 的已知行为机制包括通过结婚礼物、交配持续时间和精液含量来评估男性。在这项研究中,研究了玻璃翅神枪手 Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) 在交配过程中的行为。玻璃翅神枪手 (GWSS) 在交配发生之前使用振动通信。然而,人们对交配期间和交配后发生的行为知之甚少。这项研究的结果确定,在交配过程中也会发生振动信号。在交配过程中发现了与交配前交流期间发出的振动信号相似的振动信号,同时还发现了一个新的“类似嗡嗡声”的信号,这种信号通常在这对交配后的 10 秒内发生。此外,结果确定交配的持续时间平均为 15 小时,但在观察到的男女对之间有 10 小时的范围(8.5-18.5 小时)。最后,雄性和雌性都不止一次交配。总的来说,结果确定了 CFC 在 GWSS 中发生所需的关键生殖参数。该研究扩展了使用 CFC 的已知动物,并强调了交配振动通信可能发挥的作用,为未来更深入的研究奠定了基础。