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Online Postsecondary Adult Learners: An Analysis of Adult Learner Characteristics and Online Course Taking Preferences
American Journal of Distance Education Pub Date : 2021-06-06 , DOI: 10.1080/08923647.2021.1928434
Alexander C. Gardner 1 , Heather N. Maietta 2 , Philip D. Gardner 1 , Niki Perkins 3


This study examines the selection of online course taking by adult learners. Specifically, this study evaluates the relationship between adult learner characteristics and their choice of online, hybrid, or all in-class programs to identify emerging trends in course-taking preferences. Using survey data from 7,861 adult students age 24 and older from 8 institutions in the Midwest, this paper identifies significant differences in adult learner course-taking preferences based on such factors as age, marital status, presence of children, motivation to attend college, and part-time versus full-time enrollment status combined with work. These findings have meaningful implications for promoting adult learner degree completion through online program enrollment, especially in a post-COVID-19 world.




本研究考察了成人学习者对在线课程的选择。具体而言,本研究评估了成人学习者特征与他们对在线、混合或所有课堂课程的选择之间的关系,以确定选课偏好的新兴趋势。本文使用来自中西部 8 个机构的 7,861 名 24 岁及以上成年学生的调查数据,根据年龄、婚姻状况、孩子的存在、上大学的动机和兼职与全职注册状态与工作相结合。这些发现对于通过在线课程注册促进成人学习者完成学位具有重要意义,尤其是在 COVID-19 后的世界中。
