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The Borsuk–Ulam Type Theorems for Finite-Dimensional Compact Group Actions
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s41980-021-00581-z
Mehmet Onat

Clapp and Puppe (J. Reine Angew Math 418:1–29, 1991) proved that, if G is a torus or a p-torus, X is a path-connected G-space and Y is a finite-dimensional G-CW complex without fixed points, under certain cohomological conditions on X and Y, there is no equivariant map from X to Y. Also, Biasi and Mattos (Bull Braz Math Soc New Ser 37:127–137, 2006) proved that, again under certain cohomological conditions on X and Y, there is no equivariant map from X to Y provided that G is a compact Lie group and X, Y are path-connected, paracompact, free G-spaces. In this paper, our objective is to generalize these results for the actions of finite-dimensional pro-tori and compact groups, respectively.


有限维紧群作用的 Borsuk-Ulam 型定理

Clapp 和 Puppe (J. Reine Angew Math 418:1–29, 1991) 证明,如果G是环面或p环面,则X是路径连接的G空间,Y是有限维G - CW没有不动点的复数,在XY上一定的上同调条件下,从XY不存在等变映射。此外,Biasi 和 Mattos(Bull Braz Math Soc New Ser 37:127–137, 2006)证明,同样在XY 的某些上同调条件下,没有从XY 的等变映射,前提是G是紧李群,X , Y是路径连通的、超紧的、自由G空间。在本文中,我们的目标是将这些结果分别推广到有限维 pro-tori 和紧致群的动作。
